Melanin Monroe

While do do agree that Bloomberg’s bid wasn’t meant to help Biden, specifically, I do think his ultimate goal was to force Dems to coalesce behind a moderate. The impact of his poor debate performance can’t be overlooked. His polling numbers before then suggested that he was eating in to Biden’s firewall in south, but

Probably no one until one of them is mathematically eliminated, it’s a lose lose for her. Endorsing Biden would likely be seen a betrayal by some progressives, and endorsing Bernie would likely be seen as divisive, given that most Dems appear to unifying behind Biden. Either way her endorsement for either would sway

Honestly, the surge of all these armchair political analysts who don’t know history is fucking baffling. Google is free.

No wonder Democrats keep losing, people are absolutely not interested in understanding history.

Both Clinton and Obama backed the public option. The only actual difference between their 2008 health care plans was the individual mandate, which he ended up adopting later anyway. He didn’t actually run as a progressive, he was just marketed as one. Everybody fell for “Hope and Change” but apparently never listened

I don’t think that really matters. Californians are used to being ignored, so candidates coming here isn’t really a make or break. Besides that, while we do have early voting by mail, fewer ballots have been returned than in past elections, meaning a lot of people (including me) were holding on to their ballots to see

Nah. Biden’s been pretty clear about choosing a woman, and a woman of color at that (Kamala Harris is likely). Both Pete and Amy didn’t have a path forward, and were both pretty anti-Bernie, so it makes sense they would drop out now to coalesce behind whoever is best positioned to thwart him. Pete was probably offered

Exactly! Otherwise why mention it to the producers at all? If it really doesn’t matter and it’s not something that you feel you’re obliged to tell your potential spouse, then no need to make it a story line. The thing that you think might chase someone away is the thing you should be telling them.

Fair enough, but I think the fact that he wanted to (or at least felt like he should) tell her and deliberately didn’t means that he was hiding it. If it wasn’t such a big deal it wouldn’t have mattered to him if he ever told her at all, nor would have needed to mention it on the show at all, but as I said, it was

I agree that he didn’t have to tell her immediately, but it should’ve been something he told her before they got engaged. It was only a big deal because he made it a big deal (I’m sure the pressure from the producers being asked about it so much didn’t help). The issue was less about his sexuality and more that she

He was so shitty to her in the hotel room before he even told her, it was like he was a completely different person, on the defensive the entire time.

No she didn’t. She was fairly supportive but needed time to process what he told her. She expressed that she was willing to work it out, until he called her a bitch. She was upset by the fact that he kept something from her until after they got engaged, he just wasn’t willing to hear her out.

Absolutely. Super Tuesday will be the tell, Amy and Pete will hit a wall in the south, but could make it up some ground in the mid-west and swing states. Of the two of them Pete has the funds to hang on until June, and he’s stubborn enough to do it. I see Amy dropping out probably ST but since she doesn’t have Pete’s

I feel like everyone’s plan is to fight for a brokered convention, except for Bernie (and probably only if and until it benefits him to be). Contrary to popular belief there isn’t actually a front runner right now, not enough votes have been cast and chances are the delegate count will be close until the convention.

If that’s your take that’s your take. I don’t agree. He did perfectly fine, didn’t embarrass himself, had no notable gaffs, and even had a few good moments and one-liners. While everyone else was squabbling over how valuable their limited executive experience was, he’s the only one that’s been a position to have any

That’s the thing though, no one actually expected Bloomberg to go down in flames like that last night. It’s easy to paint him as “comatose” in hindsight, but his ads are insanely good, and really effective. People were really convinced that he was the only who could take on Trump because he can match Trump’s war

Is Bernie still in the lead? Definitely. There’s a good 30% of the Dem electorate that will ride with him all the way. But that still leaves ~70%.

I think her going after Bloomberg mostly benefits Biden, especially going into SC and the other southern states on Super Tuesday. Biden has been leading in the polls there by like 30 points in some places, but Bloomberg siphoned off about half of that support when he entered the race. Those people could go back to

Yikes, this comment did not age particularly well.

It’s less of an endorsement, and more of a coordinated effort to get Republican voters to vote for Bernie in the Democratic primary, since the GOP primary has been canceled and SC has open primaries. Bernie isn’t going to discourage people from voting for him, and my guess is he’d use it as some sort of sign of his