Melanin Monroe

What?! This movie was highly enjoyable and Tom Cruise and his wig were campy, scenery-chewing perfection. I gotta say, I’ve been visiting this site since it launched but I think I’m done. Between that ghastly “breaking quarantine for dick” article and the current writers’ insistence on writing entire articles sneering

Interview with the Vampire is and always was what I like to call high-class trash. I mean, it’s Anne Rice, so it’s not like the original material is exactly highbrow, but the movie did a pretty great job of bringing the story to the screen. I thought it was thoroughly enjoyable but the I was a teenager in the 90s so

But that’s only 1/2 the equation. Yeah, you don’t get the noxious racist assholes. But you also don’t get their opposition either, the people who are also not willing to ignore the shit, who will speak out. You deny THEM a platform, too. You send them a message by blocking their voice — that you’re not really willing

What I love is how ANY and EVERY white person is deputized to enforce their version of the law when they see fit. BUT when the ACTUAL LAW is applied like, say...requiring them to stay inside for their own safety, well then that’s governmental overreach. Lord knows we cannot step on their Constitutional rights.

The conservative majority on SCOTUS is not united on the “Fuck it, he’s a Republican” front. Roberts, in particular, is very invested in appearing fair-minded and principled. Stalling on a mandated national election is far more radical a step than punting on whether he can be subpoenaed by Congress. And, as someone

It’s fair to say that this is a lot more clear cut section of federal law. There are few extraneous details and no real room for exceptions to be interpreted differently.

I don’t consider changing the label on what happened to be changing the story. I definitely understand the process of coming to terms with what happened actually being rape.  But in those situations, the description of the underlying actions of the perpetrator tend to be largely the same in those circumstances, unlike

That might have been true at the time but we are more than 25 years past what she claimed at the time, time enough for her to have dealt with it - and she is still behaving strangely with people she works with, in other relationships, with random famous strangers like Stone. All of her behavior has consequences that

Except that credibility of a witness is material to whether to believe a story. If a person has a history of strange behavior, or dishonest behavior, or behavior where they profit from making allegations, for instance, that is absolutely material.

Ordinarily, if not in an election year, I’d be more inclined to listen, but given the timing, it feels like collusion even to click on articles about Reade. The timing could only be more suspicious if it was a week before the election.

Stop reporting in this! Do you want another four years of Trump? Because that’s what we’ll get if you keep this crap up

I disagree. If I find her story particularly not credible then I’m pissed. Because it does only harm to the cause of all other actual victims if she’s lying. And there’s a fair bit of evidence that she’s lying including the way not only she, but her brother as well, changed their retelling of her story in exactly the

The fact that she specifically went to Megyn Kelly was telling. What about a Megyn screams victim’s advocate? Also, she said someone in his office harassed her then said Joe digitally raped her. It’s a huge jump from harassment to rape. I think it’s weird she’s a hardcore Bernie supporter too but praised Putin. After

When this all broke, I wondered what Reade’s endgame was. What was she trying to accomplish? Well, she made that abundantly clear last night - her goal is to force Joe out of the race.

This may sound odd to today’s readers, but there’s something that’s been troubling me about Reade’s story since it broke. It’s a seemingly minor point, but one which will make sense to anyone over 40 and similarly, should make sense to anyone of any age who’s ever had to describe a molestation.

Just remember people, it doesn’t have to be true, it just has to go viral.

I know everyone is different and people handle tragic things in their own way.

There’s a difference between describing an event and minimizing it to yourself and others by saying “it’s not like it was rape..” when what you’re describing is clearly rape, and describing two or three very different versions of an event and saying unequivocally at the outset that there was no sexual misconduct. I’m

(Kinja is the worst, so sorry if this is a double post!)

And the female lawyers and journalists who are actually working to bring these cases to light don’t say, “Believe women” means, “Every accusation is the absolute truth, full stop.”