Melanin Monroe

Kennedys, McGovern in 1972, Clinton and the “Rock the Vote” movement. Obama. Sanders is not the first candidate to engage young voters. Studies show depends on voter literacy in the household, community enthusiasm, policy, engagement and most importantly maturity.

Yes, look at the votes they vote liberal everytime. Are you serious or trolling?

Five to four has been composition of the SCOTUS since Reagan and the and has upheld abortion rights “Casey”, Civil Rights That hasn’t happened under a Roberts Court which upheld Abortion rights with Casey, and University of Texasaffirmative action case, they also passed gay marriage.

So what you are saying is that the Youth vote did not turn out. 18-29 cohort makes up about the same amount of the population of California as the 65+ cohort. With 18-29 with about 7 million and and 65+ about 5 million. The youth cohort could have the things they want and we all need if they would just show up.

It wasn’t Clinton’s policies they mostly disliked her and you see that with the white voters who shifted from Bernie in 2016 to Biden in 2020. Biden is winning white rural voters and is tied with Sander for working class voters. This is not to say that there weren’t voters who were turned off by her policies.

Sanders did all of that and was that person. They did not show up.

Youth antipathy towards voting has always existed. There’s decades of data that proves that it is not true. This trend is not unique to this era. That was never a firm model to use for voter turnout.

That’s baked in. Nobody expects the Sandroids to do anything but sabotage. But if you look back at the last five years they can’t even manage to get their own candidates elected. The revolution is dead. The funeral is tomorrow in Florida.

Not really that leaves us with an authoritarian government.

This isn’t a policy election. It’s an anti-candidate election that’s why these discussions over policy aren’t producing big shifts in voters are priorities. Trump voters are not supporting him because of his amazing policies it’s MAGA that they love. Manufacturing jobs have continued to decline nand they’re promoting

Sanders theory of the case failed. Young people did not show up. The turn out machine he staked his candidacy on did not turn out. I’m irritated and a little disheartened by it. They voters chose Biden and not a smoked filled room or shady DNC trickery. 

Like don’t fall on your face low.

Mark my words, they are setting themselves up to vote third party or sit this one out. They will claim to have skin in the game but will be willing to the everything away and allow Trump four more years. Also look out for shifty memes and talking points straight out of a Russian troll factory because critical thinking

I’d rather have 5 conservative asshats on the SC for a generation rather than 7 conservative asshats on the SC for two generations.

Yeah, my first instinct is to side with Lauren, that this is just tokenism. However, I think it’s also really important, for lack of a more diplomatic way of saying it, to remember how important tokens can be, if they also demonstrate savvy and skill.

I just hope he doesn’t name Elizabeth Warren, because she’s needed in the Senate. I’m hoping for Kamala Harris.

This.  Democracy is ugly and you never get everything you want.  Suck it up, put on your big-person pants and keep fighting.  Change doesn’t happen overnight and big change only happens rarely.

Nobody’s asking you to be pleased. Democracy is what it is, and what it is happens to be frustrating as hell for people who advocate on behalf of progressive reforms, even in the best of times. You either learn that lesson and work tirelessly toward what frustratingly little could be accomplished or you piss and moan

Biden’s hope is that with a woman at his side, liberal voters will forget about the time he tried to gut contraception coverage in the Affordable Care Act and his support of the Hyde Amendment, in addition to his obvious inability to stop belittling the women he comes into casual contact with.

The constant critique people give Bernie, though, is his lack of specificity in his plans. “it’ll happen” because it should. Whereas Biden gave a clear promise of intent.