Melanin Monroe

Each state has their own laws.  The reason why Mosby is able to not prosecute marijuana laws is because marijuana was decriminalized in Maryland prior her to her election. So Mosby has more latitude than a DA in a jurisdiction where marijuana is still illegal. Also Mosby has been the DA for Baltimore since 2015 and it

No AG, DA or prosecutor has the discretion to pick and choose what cases can be prosecuted that’s not now our judicial system works. A prosecutor’s job is to follow the laws enacted by lawmakers who are voted into office by the people. You can’t be more upset with the people who crafted and voted into law what AG’s,

Oh good grief. Not the BS cop nonsense. What about all of the black crime victims we conveniently forget? The rape victims, the elderly who get robbed, assault victims and domestic violence victims appreciate Harris’ work. Black men have the highest unsolved death rates. If it wasn’t for black prosecutors a lot of

If he cared about any of what he claims to care about, his first concern would be winning. And when that’s your first concern, you don’t embrace a strategy that assumes you can win with only 30-35 percent of the vote.

She did this in 2016, and basically wrote a list of demands to Clinton, threatening that she would end her if Clinton tried to do some republican lite bullshit, which is a baller move.

Again, I think you’re misunderstanding the scenario I’m describing. Yes, those are competitive states. Clearly, Clinton could have spent more time in those states. Acting as though she was a perfect candidate or that she ran a perfect campaign is (and was always) silly.

For the record. I don’t fully blame no-show Sanders supporters for Clinton’s loss. I think it’s absolutely ridiculous for Sanders or his supporters to claim that they share none of the blame—when the margins in important states are so thin, assuming you can eliminate any contributing cause to a loss is probably

Just as a pro tip: You don’t get to be the group that says only our guy can win because he generates enthusiasm and turnout that is unique to him and that is off limits to everybody else AND be the group who says “we’re not responsible if you nominate somebody other than our guy and they lose.”

I’m not suggesting that you “owe Biden anything.” He kicked your guy’s ass. That you owe him something for his trouble is a weird inference.

This is part of the reason I never liked Bernie. Have the grace to bow out so we can start in on Trump. I just don’t understand why this man would want to sabotage the Democratic party again.....oh, but I do understand, HE IS NOT A DEMOCRAT. He doesn’t care about a party that he doesn’t belong too. Bernie’s proposed

“Instead, we’re still talking about Clinton specifically”

The double standards against women killed her campaign. Any woman or minority who has tried to reach higher is familiar with the increased scrutiny and bad faith criticisms that come with daring to move up. If/When Biden wins the nomination and the general, Americans would have proved that they have no qualms with

Hillary’s audience is most likely women who are exhausted by their own attempts to satisfy the constant demand for female likeability in the name of self-preservation, while simultaneously railing against those demands. It would have been helpful for the case study of Hillary Clinton’s life and career to at least

Bernie’s message would go so much further if it wasn’t coming out of Bernie’s mouth *Shrugs*. At the end of the day, I think he’s a fucking hypocrite. He throws a lot of shade at middle class Americans, especially when you remember that he himself is a millionaire who has never held a blue collar job in his life and

It’s been very kind of you guys to make me look like the good guy. A lot of my Bernie supporting friends were upset with Warren “splitting the progressive vote”, when it’s become more and more apparent that the progressives supporting Warren were in the minority given the majority’s prevalence to stan for Biden and

I think the questions coming from Bernie BEFORE the general election could sway people AWAY from Biden is the problem. Bernie needs to realize he lost and get in line to help push Trump out. Is Biden great? Nope, but he’s a fuck ton better than Trump is, and I’ll take that any day of the week. Who gives a shit what

And I think that’s why he’s losing so badly. Not to mention THE FUCKING HEART ATTACK.

Indeed. Put aside the 30-year congressional career with zero to show for it (unless you are super into naming post offices). Put aside that he has twice now run for the nomination of a party he refuses to join (which you may not mind, but as a lifelong Democrat, I find this asshole’s superiority complex on this point p

Thank you!! I have said before I love Bernie’s ideas but I can’t stand the messenger. I loved Elizabeth Warren’s campaign. She said the exact things Bernie stands for but she knew it wasn’t her time this election cycle. And certainly she was right to acknowledge the role sexism played and the bad treatment she got at

Let it never be said that Bernie Sanders is anything but a narcissistic sociopath.