
What we need is, like, the Versa of electrics... affordable, charges from a 110 outlet fairly quickly, and a range that can make it to a family Sunday dinner and home.

So many good hours spent playing this game. You didn’t even have to be a car enthusiast to appreciate it!

Thanks Tom, this is going to be one of my handful of “go-to” articles anytime I’ve been reading Jalopnik for too long and begin to yearn for something more awesome than my boring-ass but reliable 10 year-old owned-outright sedan.

It’s amazing to me how supposed business professionals get this backwards: make a great product, and the brand will build itself.

I F’ing *hope* we can toss out McCrory. Then, get the Supreme Court to mandate that districts be chosen by non-partisan committees, and throw out the gerrymandered mess that allows the knuckle-draggers to control govt.

Another NC native here. The scariest thing about our state government (aside from their neanderthal-stance on every issue) is the lack of transparency and due process which characterizes our law-makers. Our legislature passed this IN A SINGLE DAY with almost NO input from the public or from other lawmakers. They

the 2017 Chevy Jolt.

“Oh, and its 8.8 kWh battery can be charged on a standard household outlet too, no fancy equipment required. That’s nice.”

I had a similar post above, only my current DD is a 9 year-old, fairly efficient Japanese sedan. Glad to hear that someone else is at least concerned about the amount of CO2 their ride produces. Having said that, as others pointed out going out and buying a new, more efficient car is not always a “green” move if your

Valid point, but (perhaps a stupid question here) if this supposed new, greener car is already produced and on the lot am I really “asking that a new car be produced” ? It’s already there, so it’s not like I’m ordering it direct from the manufacturer or anything. Theoretically, I’m just purchasing it from the dealer,

Valid points, all. I appreciate the input. I think I’ll go get a new bike lock and clean my chain instead!

True. Right now, that basically *is* my substitute for driving a hybrid: substituting short car trips with bicycle trips and taking public transit for my work commute. Less convenient in some ways, but very rewarding in other ways. And a hellllll of a lot cheaper than buying a car, used or new.

Shoot, I get so sick of being “practical” and “responsible” too. Can’t I just trade in my reliable, 9 year-old Japanese sedan and get something unreliable, impractical, and fun?!

What if I want to reduce my carbon footprint i/e pollute less than I currently do? As you wrote, the financial benefit of using less gas may be minimal or negligible in some cases. However, upgrading to a newer car may have the effect of putting significantly less CO2 into the atmosphere.

The transition from fossil fuels to renewable, clean energy is not something that we can do overnight unfortunately. Even so, there is value in taking incremental steps (nat. gas, nuclear) to move to less carbon-intensive fuels even if we cannot get to 100% clean in one swoop. It took decades to get to the

Based on much of the research done thus far, even EVs powered by coal/natural gas are cleaner and less carbon-itensive than their ICE-counterparts. And as the power grid gets cleaner, which it does over time, the car gets cleaner.

Plus, there’s all the additional infrastructure necessary to build to make hydrogen cars mainstream. Yes, you would have to build new infrastructure for EVs, but we’re already in the process of doing that, plus its easier and cheaper to build charging stations at peoples’ houses which is how most people charge their

I don’t care, I *like* the Renegade. On this truck, I love everything except the fabric top.

The Fiat is actually the only one of these that has any real appeal to me. If I ever got one, I would go for the manual version because: A) it’s cheaper, B) apparently possesses better fuel economy than the automatic and C) no wonky 9-speed transmission that I keep hearing about from all the auto journalists.

Thanks for being brave enough to share your story.