
I’ve been considering getting one of these for my short commute. Was this pic taken in central NC by any chance? Just curious.

Great article, David! I feel like I do not see as much of these “personal-interest” type stories on Jalopnik anymore. Hope this guy gets back on his feet (and maybe swallows his pride a little bit).

Reverse: The First Japanese Car Rolls Off An American Assembly Line

Neutral: My next daily driver will most likely be a hybrid. Just waiting for the right time and deal to pull the trigger. The new plug-ins are still too expensive for me, and I don’t really like the current used ones on the market.

Oh God Yes, first thing I thought of. We took a couple of trips to Hendersonville this Summer and the Northbound route was backed up for miles in the afternoon each time. We got caught in it on a Friday afternoon, heading back to the Asheville area and tried to take an alternative route. No luck, got stuck in

I *always* liked these cars back in the late 90s and would see other dudes my age driving them around. I had no idea they were so expensive (in 90s dollars)!

Oh yeah, I had one of these people claim that this was “both sides r bad ‘cause Soros bussed in a bunch of agitators. Nothing gained but aggression and division.”

“Don’t worry; none of them are dead or arrested yet because they were mostly white.”

Where are you seeing $ 10k+ off MSRP??

Crack Pipe. At any price.


Deflection noted.

The world hasn’t gone down the drain quite yet, and there really are good people out there.

Awww man, I miss ol’ Herbert.

No matter what Comey says, the Republicans will redirect it to questions about “leaks” and “unmasking” as well as attacking his integrity, which they seemed to love back before the election.

Signed: someone that didn’t vote for either of these two fucksticks.

Seriously. All the Trumpers have are sad deflections and “FAKE NEWS!” now. They’re just delusional. It’s not like these revelations are going to stop or someone is going to prove that the FBI, CIA, NSA, Congressional Investigation committees and God knows who else are just making this sh@t up.

BS, Komrad. All the Clinton-deflection in the world doesn’t change the fact that the Russias’ role in influencing this election is coming to light. In addition to the active hacking, there are too many connections between close members of Trump’s campaign and Russia to ignore or just be simple


Neutral: Yes, the environment very much plays into my vehicle choices. As far as my next daily driver goes, I’m not really considering anything that isn’t either a used hybrid / EV or at the very least a small, efficient ICE-car. Now, i could see myself someday having a fun “weekendcar” type of thing where fuel