Kevin Roberts

Oprah Winfrey declares: "You get a spin-off! You get a spin-off! Everybody gets a spin-off!"

I can't wait for special guest star Kevin Spacey.

I can't wait for the episode where Jane gets George off that crazy thing.

Proclaiming to be a Christian to attract the Christian vote even though you're Mr. "Grab 'em by the pussy" is one thing.

Riefenstahl's Triumph of the Will is hands down the scariest non-horror movie ever made.

What's with these assholes giving interviews they don't know they're giving?

It's a catchy song that still holds up in one-hit-wonder lore.

**The AV Club. It's not *really* the internet.**

"When he's finished at your house, send him over to mine."

Both Infinite Contents are the epitome of an earworm, but not necessarily a bad one.

Say what you want about Arcade Fire, but at least they actually make an effort of trying to create an actual album of music and not just a collection of downloadable singles.

I don't know it either, but I'm pretty sure there are three names in there.

I got into an accident, and the other guy sued me and won me as a butler!

If water is used for plants, then why don't plants grow out of the toilet?

If Jonathan Taylor Thomas evolved from Zachery Ty Bryan, why is there still Zachery Ty Bryan?

I tried, but I got Jenny for a good time instead.

Well, a few of them left a nice Yelp review of the hotel they stayed at in Charlottesville prior to their tiki torch rally. So there's that.

Someone else online compared the press conference to the Willy Wonka LSD styled boat ride.

This looks good.

Wait, who is this Rickon of which you speak?