Kevin Roberts

I think we should just go back to shouting at our computers and hoping that other people will understand what we are trying to say.


(Wait, what is with the incessant amount of all-caps I’ve been using since we switched to Kinja?)

Goddamn it.

Kinja is killing the one and only thing AV Clubbers are good at in their sad and pathetic little lives.

I hope you’re happy with yourself, Mr. Kinja.

Maybe they can replace them with a monument to AV Club’s Disqus Message Board system, since that appears to be lost to the hazy days of history too.

I’m completely ambivalent on Corden but I hate Kinja.

Okay, the other thread was too full so I’m gonna ask it here. So forgive me for interrupting the Stark Girls’ karaoke escapades for a second.

What the fuck is up with the logic of how comments are sorted?

I thought it was chronologically from oldest to newest (which was bad enough), but it doesn’t even look like that.

Shit. That was today? I forgot to study.

Loved you in A Serious Man, BTW.

Yes. Yes. For God’s sake, where is this?

Seriously, for all the shit Disqus got on AV Club, most for good reason, there was never this type of clusterfuck.

I still don’t know where I am. I’m pretty sure this is what going senile will feel like.

Oh, hello me. I finally found my own post an hour after I posted it.....BECAUSE YOU HAVE NO FUCKING “SORT BY MOST RECENT” FUNCTION, KINJA.

I’m Theon Greyjoy.

Seriously, Kinja has me feeling like my balls have been cut off.

You know, I’d ask about how I could arrange the comments chronologically from newest first, but my new comments keep on getting booted to the bottom of the list whenever I fucking post them.


Kinja. It’s the Trump administration of comment platforms.

Less successful was the Stark Girls’ failed attempt at Kinja Karaoke.

We’re all simulations. No one exists.

And the revamp that didn’t work?

Yes.....AV Club brought to you by Kimba. Or Kinja. Or whatever the fuck this is called.

What the fuck is this hot mess?

Okay, I'm going to play ignorant here.

And there's nothing like the clinching moment of a World Series.

It's an art.