Kevin Roberts

I really don’t understand why Kinja even exists. Why not just have no comment section?

+1 Greyed out

Tell that to Kinjaklub.

I think it’s some sort of new dance craze, like “The Fidget Spinner” or “The Kinja”.

Ernie of House Kinja should be on that list somewhere. If not, I have a few pieces of gold to up the ante.

I have some names to add to Arya’s list. Who wrote the code for Kinja, again? I am still floundering around like a kid in a shitty sandbox.

Powerthirteen’s log, Stardate 8/23/17: I have begun to forget what it was like not to be in the greys. Hope of merging my accounts fades. All is cold. Only the hope of Blade Runner 2049 not sucking keeps me alive.

This is rough.

Forget it, Anxie. It’s Kinjatown.

I love how you can’t sort by the most recent comments.


This feels wrong. Like a suit that chafes in all the wrong places.

How do I see “newest” first?

I’m just going to keep spouting out lyrics by the National until it seems like my comment is showing up.

I hate this shit.


So the very first story published after the switch to Kinja begins with:

Well, this is every bit as terrible as I imagined.

Is this about Kinja? This is about Kinja, isn’t it.