
First Kyle transfers. Then Kyler is considering transferring. If Kylest goes, it’ll be really bad.

I’m sure the marketing folks there have all ready run the numbers. If they think they can make $$ of it, they will release it.

“Unfortunately, you can’t buy the original version of the movie anymore”. Hey Disney, you own Star Wars now, right? Do you like $$$? Someone told me you like $$$, Disney. Guess what, I’m a huge Star Wars fan with $$$ that would like to own the original unaltered movies in HD format, and I have never purchased nor

If Chad Mendes (who is awesome but not on the level of Aldo) can challenge you, Aldo is going to destroy you.

how does that guy look like a composite of buzz lightyear and johnny bravo

I can see why the UFC is so popular right now, I might be willing to pay good money to watch someone punch Sage Northcutt in the face.

At it’s extreme, this type of obsession with “clean eating” is called orthorexia. It’s a recognised disorder. When people get so involved in a certain type of restrictive diet, such as paleo, it can be really harmful. But often it’s not picked up, and people who are obsessive are celebrated as super-healthy role

These two are getting divorced because he’s a narcissist and she is no longer the trophy he married.

You, right here.

Nope, I’m not going to watch it either.

Thanks for the recap in text. Now I am sure I will not click on the video.

Johnny Canadian Football

Somebody took notes during Cris Carter’s seminar.

Jesus. I can’t even. I’ll never complain about a security queue again.

I think it was a fantastic job by the responsible people to prevent mass panic. They had no idea what was waiting outside until the police secured the area, and they had to get a huge amount of people out of the stadium without causing any panic. To wait until the game was over and then to open up the gates to the

“Dick Bacon” sounds like a potentially untapped gourmet niche market.

My best friends dad has a friend named Richard. I thought I was really clever by making up the nickname “Bitchard” for him until I learned his last name. the guy's name is for real Dick Bacon