
I remember as a kid in the early days of ESPN (when I thought it was pronounced Espen) seeing polo,European rally car racing and miniature golf tournaments. It was bonkers.

Hey wickedburn, Dylan Roof called. He said “Lighten up, life’s tools short.”

I’m going to choose to take the high road here and attack your anger with love...

Wow, sounds depressing and dark. I’m so happy that I stopped watching this 3 seasons ago.

Sorry, but I just don’t care if a murderer suffers while he finally gets his life taken because he MURDERED SOMEONE!

I’m the father of a soon to be 13 year old daughter and I’m equally terrified. And sad. So many feelings.

Also, lets not forget that old Paul knows that it’s no fun being an illegal alien...not to mention how hard it must be to hail an ABACAB in that situation.

Freakshow is far and away the worst AHS season EXCEPT for the Dandy Mott storyline. You can fast forward through all the other junk and only watch his arc and be completely satisfied. Finn Whitrock was the only thing good about that season. Just my opinion.

Jim Belushi? Celebrity? This article is obviously fake.

Also, straws. Lots and lots of straws in his kitchen cabinet. Hidden away where no one can see.

Straws are a helluva drug

Wow, what a douche. Actually, he’s so douchey he may have just retroactively pioneered the act of being a douche. Congrats.

Another video game doofus checking in. My favorite game years ago was Carmageddon on an old Mac and more recently whatever Mario game my 10 year old was playing on the Wii. This sounds like something I want to get into after reading this and I like the LOTR suggestion. Any problem with the Slim playing the new Star

“Strange things are afoot at the Rio Circle K.”

Foggy is the worst part of DD. The worst. Closely followed by Karen.

Is Damage Control still going to happen? Because, if not, Damage Control.

This just sounds like a bunch of overly dramatic actors trying to outdo each other to see who could be edgier. Frankly, it sounds gimmicky and stupid.

I know sexual assault happens on every campus, but I’m thinking about my daughter going away to college in a few years and I’d feel a hell of a lot better if she went somewhere with no football program. I know that’s not the most well thought out plan, but as a dad I’m just telling the truth.

Pfft, amateur...You know those tags on mattresses that say “Don’t remove under penalty of law?” On Purge night I’d remove the hell outta those tags, baby! You can't stop my kind of crazy. You just can't.

Just did this with an everything bagel, shaved ham and smoked gouda. Absolutely F’ing delicious! Thank you for this. You’ve elevated my grilled cheese game infinitely.