PWR BTTM, which formed in 2013 while members Hopkins and Liv Bruce were students at Bard College, is a queer rock band with both members preferring gender neutral pronouns.
PWR BTTM, which formed in 2013 while members Hopkins and Liv Bruce were students at Bard College, is a queer rock band with both members preferring gender neutral pronouns.
“there are people who violate others consent and did not know” woooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwww
that email address for victims to contact is fishy as hell, who’s going to be reading it?
This band has been really popular with the ostentatiously queerer-than-thou-because-I-wear-glitter-lipstick twenty- and thirty-something queer hipsters in my life. Wearing metallic eyeshadow and boasting about being sexually fluid apparently does not guarantee that someone is a good ally, or even a good person.
Old enough to know that posing with a swastika is stupid.
France passed a law in 2015 that demanded runway and print models meet a standard of health based on Body Mass…
Okay appropriation is a bitch and all. (I get it, it frosts me that Mormons call everyone else gentiles, for Christ’s sake)
Orange County is famous in California for having a lot of KKK, skinheads and hardcore right wingers. Its one of the areas that breaks the stereotype that California is an all liberal state.
The key difference between Chicago and Boston is that Chicago people can accept that some people in Chicago are racist. Boston people deny it like its the plague which of course makes more people believe they are racist.
I got some seats to Cubs/Dodgers game 6 last year. I looked around and realized there wasn’t one minority within site of me. My wife and I literally scanned the stadium to see if there was a black person there who wasn’t on the field or working. We found five.
Hold on. Can we take a minute to talk about how fucking fantastic the name Pumpsie Green is?
Peabody will just use his Wayback machine to return to a time when he was employed. And take Richard Sherman with him.
I was never a fan of Schilling. He’s one where I couldn’t seperate the asshole from analyst. Agree with Kruk. Morgan wasn’t great but I do REALLY miss Jon Miller on national broadcasts. He was great.
He’s the only one on the list that I’ll specifically miss. On the other hand, has anyone seen the “I won’t miss Trent Dilfer” comment thread? That guy’s as telegenic as old pudding.
Holy shit I had no idea my father in law commented here.
Mendoza is way better than Boone and some of the other hacks they’ve put on SNB (Schilling).
Well your dislike of Mendoza is probably rooted in misogyny so we can spread the accusations across a spectrum
Maybe it’s all part of some retro shift, like all the kids like these days, right? Going back to the early ESPN days where they’d fill the time with shit that barely passed as ‘sports’, much less ‘entertaining’?
It’s been years and I still don’t know if I like Ryen Russillo or not.