st anger snare

Lighten up, Ferdy.

Elizabeth Warren is a conservative and a capitalist so this means nothing.

I remember when some TERFs on Twitter were trying to frame a Nazi and torturer who was assassinated by the French Resistance as a girlboss…

It basically was the attitude of the 90's, they were at the tail end of the Gen X “everything is lame” ethos. And as time went on they have largely grown out of it. What other show has an episode where workers rise up against Amazon?

He doesn’t yell it. He says it with total panache and lets it lilt.

We need to keep Biden’s feet to the fire (sorry for that gross image) because he’s 100% feeling like he doesn’t have to win ANYONE over because Trump is that bad. His campaign is the epitome of white male privilege in that he literally has to do zero work while everyone pushes him over the finish line.

What is “paying for it”?

Duncan Hunter is 43, don’t drag millennials into this.

hit-piece on Kavanaugh

fucking embarrasing post. 

How do you reconcile the fact that the state you’re so gung-ho to protect are fucking war criminals? 

Make the New Second Amendment: No More Kevin Sorbo Movies.

The first season was a far sight better than the book, so they can do what they want tbqh

He literally passed more amendments than any of his 400+ colleagues during his 12 years in the House, and has many big accomplishments such as securing healthcare for 9 million people and boosting the wages of hundreds of thousands of workers.

The great thing about Bernie is not only is he putting these bold, detailed plans on the table, but he also has a massive movement at his back to take on the powerful interests who are going to try to resist change at every turn.

Aside from Kessler, there was also a point during the 2016 campaign where they literally ran 16 negative Sanders stories in 16 hours. For some reason they don't like him on an institutional level.

Of course ICE’s favourite show is The Walking Dead of all things.

I’m probably being a bit harsh but it sounds like something from Lateralus and I expected some sort of evolution in the band’s sound after 13 years.

Behold. The Hillaryman in his full glory.