st anger snare

that’s why Cassidy’s new obsession with The Big Lebowski was the one of the smartest things that the Preacher TV show did, btw. Because it felt like something that Ennis would have actually put in the comic book if he’d written it recently.  Obviously, it got old after a few repetitions, but I think it showed a

LMAO Bernie used his enormous donor base to raise money for all members of The Squad and you’re holding that against him LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL HOLY FUCKING SHIT

Tool is Juggalo Radiohead.

You know full well Joe Biden and his family had access to health care the way most Americans can only dream of.

You never elaborated how healthcare workers would lose their jobs/how universal healthcare guts the need for typists, document verification, customer service representatives, clinical reviewers, etc. so, yes, I am skeptical that more than a negligible amount of people will lose their healthcare industry jobs. Please

My big problem with the “but think about the economic disruption” argument is that it’s the same one used to argue against the abolition of slavery or ending reliance on fossil fuels. No one seems to think about the current human cost of the status quo when talking about “pragmatism” or “being realistic”, only the pote

Right, because they’re exactly the same, because they’re old and male.  Good call.

The for-profit medical insurance industry must die. They’d be automated out of jobs anyway soon. Which will also apply to a vast number of Americans. Which is why universal single-payer is an essential cornerstone of any future that does not have millions impoverished and made homeless by illness during a period of

Now playing

“So for you this is a moral issue. Certainly there are a lot of jobs at stake. Certainly if a lot of these defense contractors stop selling war planes and other sophisticated equipment to Saudi Arabia, there’s going to be a significant loss of jobs and revenue here in the United States...”

I know I’m not the only one at this point who would take a million unemployed asshole insurance employees if it means saving a single person who would be killed by their avarice.

Executive producer: Werner Herzog.

sir this is a bagel boss

You identify the problem, “Government spend can artificially manipulate the market and they get taken advantage of by private companies” yet you seem to want to hand things over to said private companies who are more interested in grifting than serving society.

His ideas are the main selling point to young people like me though. And his ideas are being parroted by most of the frontrunners with the exception of Elizabeth Warren who actually walks the walk and talks the talk.

Bernie’s record isn’t bad and he’s as old as Biden ;)

Further shocker that the guy who was cool and chummy with the segregationists of the Civil Rights era probably doesn’t have an abundance of anecdotes to draw upon when trying to talk to people who don’t look or live like him or when trying to talk about them like he’s an understanding human being

I sure hope that the easily-pleased-with-mediocrity centrists don’t nominate Biden and leave us with a candidate who doesn’t win the election... again.

I didn't read past "tech." You guys have a bad reputation, so you're not really shocking anyone.

Apparently, Joe Biden is, and this is quite the shocker, an aging career politician who’s nearly ready to tell us about the time when he used to wear an onion on his belt (it was the style at the time, you see)