st anger snare

they understand just fine, obviously, it’s just a scam. they don’t care if they win or lose. winning is not the goal.

that seems absurdly naive given the cia’s heavy involvement with the production, jim from the office’s horny public relations work for the agency, the ridiculous plots of the show (nuclear venezuela durrr), and knowing literally anything about the agency itself there’s no “conspiracy theorizing” necessary. 

you’re just describing regular liberals

girlboss pinkerton is the most liberal thing imaginable, as is jim from the office being insanely horny for the cia and a warren donor lol. these things are all perfectly congruent with an ideology that entered at least 7 new military conflicts just in the last decade.

i hope you work for the dnc or something, otherwise this is a disgustingly pathetic position to stake out

100% chance this account is a white biden staffer doing blackface online lol

carville’s a bumbling dipshit, clinton’s real campaign strategist was ross perot. yes you do have a brain disease.

ur a psychopath lol

shitlibs absolutely adore open air slave markets dont yall

kinda hope ur wedding gets triple tapped by predator drones ngl

lol he released his taxes months ago you shrieking idiot

ben knows the corrupt idiot that whined about obama being mean to hedge fund ceos in 2012 won’t fuck with his money if gets elected.

casey is probably more of a biden guy

you put literally no thought into this 

is this a byproduct of just not reading anything that’s critical of democrats ever? you are a splinter commenter so i feel like that’s unlikely. were they following the broad outlines of our principles when they voted for trump’s appointments and military budgets, when they repealed key provisions in dodd frank at the

nobody wants to follow the asshole who self-righteously justifies genocide and corruption. you could not be more unpleasant with this vaguely paternal smarm.

when you say he’s your favorite politician of all time and simultaneously acknowledge he’s a monster that just seems insanely fucked up to me. it’s not like we’re spoiled for great politicians over here but you can do better than that. it’s frightening that somebody would pick a dude that slaughtered thousands of

if you think the material status of minorities was heading in a good direction under obama i get the feeling you don’t genuinely give a shit about minorities. political and social capital doesnt trickledown from the skin color of your representatives you self righteous dork.

which southern states are swing states again? florida? who won the primaries in the exact swing states hillary lost again? are you even capable of critical thinking or are you just a spambot david brock forgot to unplug after 2016? do you go out of your way to be as disconnected from reality as humanly possible,

remember when obama tried to pass paul ryan’s budget but mitch was so obsessed with obstruction he spat in his face lmao