st anger snare

this thing y’all do where you pretend to be fox news grampa-level idiots that are nominally in favor of the program is really nasty. you’re not stupid enough to honestly believe that people like their health insurance. they like their doctors and health coverage.

name checks out

lol it’s like anything else. there are advantages and drawbacks. you see the loss of jobs restricting access to healthcare by income as an equivalent moral crisis as tens of thousands of people dying every year from lack of access to healthcare and hundreds of thousands going bankrupt. that’s genuinely sociopathic.

i guess it’s entirely possible that someone would be enough of a squishy nerd to believe any of that is particularly damning, but it really looks more like disingenuous concern trolling. thanks for carrying water for the islamophobic right, dumbass.

there is no other side of the issue you lunatic lol. your feelings about me are not only not a valid topic of discussion, they’re unhealthy and parasocial. of course you don’t give a shit about politics, politics isn’t real to you. 

it’s a good point but it could also have something to do with the dccc running oppo against any primary candidates to the left of pinochet

hell yah dude fuck the voters

there’s no way to actually and truly quantify what lost hillary the election so i agree that the best course of action is to tell yourself whatever helps you sleep at night lol

you could see his reasoning, even though his reasoning was based on blatantly lying about the article? lol this would really seem like alt right-style bad faith time wasting tactics if you weren’t so obviously genuinely despondent. any moron can look at what he said and what she said and tell that he blatantly lied

also not sure how lazy in the context of an internet slapfight is supposed to be a negative, or if you’re positioning yourself as some kind high level go-getter because you bother to utilize a shift key.

you just seem vaguely mad that i called out santa clause for being unable to muster any meaningful critique of libby’s work. you vaguely angry for no discernible reason ppl sure do like to make a lot of noise but the substance is lacking. reminds me of someone lol

because caps and swearing are how you convey anger thru the medium of text lmfao. if this is just how you normally communicate, wow, that’s weird.

i honestly cannot believe you’re being an honest and real human being right now. it’s astounding. go reread the message you’re replying to and tell what’s got your panties in such an insane bunch. quote the vitriol. you’re doing the same kind of lying he is, except it’s about a comment I ACTUALLY WROTE. what the fuck

if you think being a liar is bad quality, tell an actual liberal about it.

lol you’re responding to my callout of an actual liberal, dumbass. that’s the context of this conversation. forgive me for thinking that you replying to my reply was you trying to engage in that discussion, how ridiculous of me

funny, you’d think a literate adult would know that “lazy” isn’t a synonym for “illiterate”

you asked me how i arrived at my conclusions, i told you, you had an embarrassing meltdown over it, no meaningful communication was had. like i said i’m not interested in your personal anxieties and upset, i’m more concerned with why you needed to step in here and white knight a pathological liar on the internet. what

babydoll i answered your question. no need to yell. why are you angry at me for pointing out “an actual liberal”’s lies and not at the actual liar for lying? i’m just trying to figure out why so many posters here lie so aggressively.

i notice you’re still completely unable to articulate the problem you had with the article and want me to go digging through the comments for a rebuttal lol. look kiddo if you’re not up to this then just don’t play. if you’re incapable of forming opinions on your own then just shut the fuck up and listen. 

i just want to know why you lied. if you’d like to tell me why you lied i’d appreciate it just for the sake of mutual understanding. how does it benefit you, personally, to lie on the internet?