st anger snare

take some deep breaths, you’re too angry to read the stuff you’re replying to and are just spewing classist hate. i’m seriously concerned about your mental and physical well-being.

i dont know you, i’m just describing your behavior. that’s the only information i have to go on. if you’re embarrassed about the way you’re behaving then change it.

you seem on the verge of literal death from anger rn tho, the very picture of btfo

did you at any time consider being a literate adult and engaging with the critique she’s making of his campaign tho or are you just throwing a weird unfocused tantrum at a woman who makes you irrationally angry?

name checks out

because he’s only decent in comparison to ted cruz. he spent his congressional career voting mostly with republicans in a district with a huge democratic advantage.

don’t get so mad you can’t think straight, that’s not healthy. take deep breaths and then do a comment. you might find that the comment you were gonna make wasn’t very smart and nobody needed to read it.

i think people shit on beto because he was part of the openly neoliberal new democrat caucus and mostly voted with the republicans lol

lmao this is a blatant lie according to literally all of the polling. why are you such a perniciously dishonest shitbag? how does it benefit you in an any way to be inhumanly scummy?

interesting that bernie polls the strongest in the handful of places that votes count and yet you’re on here having an almost fatal conniption fit about him lol

of course he didn’t come back and explain why he lied. just took a big shit on reality and ran away.

y’all come off as astroturf hollowmen because you’re very conspicuously not engaging with the actual critique of obama that was made by libby. “an actual liberal” openly lied about the contents of the article and went silent when asked to elaborate. you are also not engaging with the argument itself, you’re just

lying to yourself is unhealthy and being impenetrable to facts that don’t agree with your narrative is ugly, trumpian business. surely you can be better than that. we both know i’m referring to her broader campaign, and i’ve contrasted her lack of signature policy goals with other candidates. i did my due diligence to

you’re transparently not actually engaging with the critique itself. it’s noticeable, not subtle. you’ve either got very poor reading comprehension or you’re purposefully lying about the substance of the critique.

do you get paid to act screech dumb lies on the internet or is it a free service you provide 

you’re upset that she dared criticize daddy obama. that’s insanely childish. get out of your weird little feelings and engage with the substance of the critique.

certainly you’re aware on some level that her campaign mostly consisted of her contrasting herself with trump and that she had no signature policy goals beyond the no fly zone. it’s always puzzling to me trying to figure out who people are trying to fool. are you trying to fool yourself, me, random passerby?

factually, in real life, centrists are perfectly happy putting babies in cages. the current babies in cages policies is an expansion of the pragmatic moderate centrist babies in cages policy which you apparently support.

all the available data shows that clinton supporters were always the angrier and more aggressive group, which is plainly visible here seeing a bunch of wetbrained white winemoms viciously punch left as hard as possible to signal their solidarity with the democrat megan mccain along with donald trump’s son.

because 1. omar did literally nothing wrong and 2. chelsea sicced her neocon twitter goons on her, joining the disingenuous pile-on with other notable piece of shit white children of privilege like donny trump jr.