st anger snare

agree to disagree on that but surely we can agree she didn’t actually run on her policies

do you get paid to do this? you’re like kellyanne conway. never engage with the criticism, just keep pushing the lie. i’m honestly appalled at the thought of a human being acting like that for their own perverse amusement. surely there’s some incentive to derange yourself this way?

you’re an actual transparent committed ideological liar tho. you are demonstrably a real piece of shit. you told on yourself. don’t get mad that normal people notice your weird lies dude. look inward and remove the cynical idiot cancer in your soul.

do you get paid to lie or are you just stupid? how are you not embarrassed about saying demonstrably false things? what deranges a human being so utterly that they act the way you do?

characterizing it as “durr kamala is a cop” is fucking dumb, actually. the problem people have with her is that she ran against an actual progressive prosecutor from the right and used her power to specifically pursue policies that harmed minorities. she wasn’t trying to turn the ship, she was steering into the

i also don’t mean to be rude but you’re rewriting history. hillary didn’t run on policy. she had no signature policies beyond the no fly zone in syria. she had pages of third way institute babble on her website but trump was ironically far more issue oriented than she was on the campaign trail. they weren’t good

not everybody is privileged enough to be impressed by vacuous sociopaths that have no intention of fighting on behalf of working people. there’s a pattern to the hit pieces. center right oil democrats get fucking hit. get out of your bitch ass feelings and start seeing the pattern.

shut the fuck up, beto

it’s true, that was an incredibly stupid post and you should be embarrassed by it. lol

apparatchiks with a cultivated fondness for cynicism and dishonesty already have inordinate representation in politics. let normal human beings have at least one please. what’s truly unhelpful is your concern trolling. big tent can include everyone, including people who don’t lie to themselves and others for perceived

she’s doing a favor to normal human beings who like to hear our elected representatives say basic truths.

ACKSHTYUUALYE kissinger was first when he bombed red cross hospitals in cambodia

“better than it had to be” is pretty apt. faint praise, but praise nonetheless. i thought it was a fun way to kill a sunday. it’s not any kind of masterpiece but it reaches the threshold of worth checking out if you’re interested in the premise imo

johnny being estranged from his affluent abusive father is a plot point

nobody can take you seriously when you support candidates that employ the weapons of class warfare against the black community though. race and economics very much aren’t separate issues, i would bet the contents of my checking account that that deeply ignorant notion is a function of your tax bracket.

you know who else extends the sentiments of nonzero minorities? candace owens. this is just awful :( please stop

there was some legislation that passed since the new deal that prohibits the kind of explicitly racist application of policies like the new deal, you may have heard of it. i know bernie’s association with the civil rights movement somehow proves he was a racist but the insinuation that demsocs haven’t had a freshman

to the extent it’s applicable. there’s lots of new good material to work with. bernie’s next closest competitor that announced was until extremely recently pro prison slavery, civil asset forfeiture and marijuana prohibition on top of her corrupt associations with finance i’m sure you’re already aware of.

this kind of insane idiot anger causes cancer, best to use the short time we have on this planet on healthier things than telling unhinged lies in the splinter news comments. for the sake of yourself and your loved ones seek truth and beauty in the world. god bless.

that dude is a russian nesting doll of disingenuousness with a nugget of shit at the center. it’s just right wing astroturfing