st anger snare

it was universally reviled for a long list of very good reasons but im glad you enjoyed it

the gnd doesn’t suggest abolishing air travel and replacing it with high speed rail. the actual document doesn’t even mention air travel once.

i cant tell if you’re doofy enough to genuinely believe the purpose of the gnd is to abolish air travel or if you have some kind of agenda. classic stupidity vs malice debate.

you can tell libs are complete pieces of shit because they say things like this in the comments of an article about their representatives conspiring to maintain a system that restricts access to life saving healthcare by income

she never claimed to be cherokee tho lol she just said she had native ancestry way back, and even specified the number of generations. you’re never going to justify your weird idpol grievance with her because she never did the thing you’re accusing her of.

her story the entire time was the she had a native ancestor 5+ generations back and that’s exactly what the dna test showed. she didn’t lie, you moron. she told the literal truth and proved it. 

because willie gave her high paying cushy political appointments while they were dating. she fucked her way into politics. and then once she got into politics, she went to war against the black community. kamala is trash and so are the people who support her.

sorry you think kamala harris working overtime to keep innocent black americans in prison and fighting on behalf of prison labor are “tired talking points” you must fucking hate black people

might as well vote for trump using this brainless logic. what, he doesn’t pass your purity test? gaw i guess nothing’s good enough for you crybabies

sorry sport, social democrats are pinko commies now. i don’t make the rules.

you realize that there are distinct differences between aoc and manchin right? have you ever tried not being an idiot shitlib for like 3 seconds? if you hate progressives vote republican or kill yourself or something, this is not working out.

not sure if you’re familiar with the concept of unbiased if you think that accurately describes the economist lol

the opposition has no popular mandate whatsoever and the international community has been openly conspiring to overthrow venezuela for almost 20 years. this is not a secret, you’d have to be incredibly ignorant or a malicious apparatchik not to acknowledge this. does being The Adult In The Roomabsolutely require

this is weird, incomprehensible #resistance gibberish. aren’t you the russia bot putin puppet by uncritically supporting donald trump’s foreign policy goals?

it kinda does though. it’s easy to draw conclusions based on the headlines but if you read any deeper than that it gets a bit more complicated. it’s common, for instance, to name the people like lopez and caprile as innocent opposition leaders barred from the democratic process because maduro is an authoritarian

what i would do if i was you is look at the composition of recent centrist administrations (obama, clinton) and what their agenda was and how effective they were in prosecuting it. clinton was really effective at gutting the safety net and creating the world’s most imprisoned population but whether this is good

pls refer to him by his full name Actual Crackhead Aaron Sorkin

an uppercut does not result in the same damage as a knee strike, no

you make it sound as if gun homicide is at epidemic proportions instead of having declined by half in the last 30 years

it’s not legal to sell minors ecigs, they’re just as hard to get as cigarettes were when i was a teen. i still smoked for 15 years until i switched to vaping.