st anger snare

really weird and yucky to infer the weavers were the bad guys in the ruby ridge incident imo

you’re not defending anything tho you were just monologuing on a website. you’ve staked out the least courageous position possible and are milking it like you marched with king or something. have some perspective lol

the appeal to grieving parents with murdered children obviously fits any definition of maudlin. you did a good snappy one liner (epic) instead of 2 fat paragraphs of ugly crying which is commendable.

i’m just critiquing your performance, has nothing to do with politics. it is sentimental, obviously. don’t lie to me on the internet. it’s also bloviating, pearl clutching, garment rending, self righteous and obnoxiously self sucking. it’s just a lot all at once. 

tbh give me gay frogs and real men who bleed hot blood or whatever over these outrageously maudlin aaron sorkin monologues pls wow

if you have to resort to bizarre analogies and outright lies to paint the guy as rapey maybe you’re overreaching a lil eh

sorry but no amount of whining about my shift key is going to change the fact that you’re an actual idiot. instead of crying just learn how the world works. it’s a little harder but a lot more rewarding. godspeed my little goober.

hard to take you seriously when you’re too dumb to account for wage growth and inflation in your economic analysis. i cAn UsE a sHiFt kEy iF i wAnT tO but you’re going to have to work a lot harder than that to be less of a ignorant goober.

you ever notice the people who criticize aoc are never smart enough to rebut her policy proposals so they resort to cheap ad hom, because maga chuds have no policy goals beyond being obnoxious?

trump’s economy is garbage. all liz has to do is point to wage growth and inflation, it’s not that difficult to understand. trump’s economy is objectively bad for workers. this is not a secret.

to be fair that convention is really confusing

they’re a good band and all but goddamn what a dull piece of music. makes the 12 year old in me that’s excited about a new tool album simmer down quite a bit.

idk, the shrill, self-righteous and embarrassingly partisan insistence on its excellence by the avclub staff is the thing that seems unnecessary to me. the movie can’t stand up on its own merits so we have to pretend like disliking it makes one a maga chud which is imo offensive. i mean look at you. you’re trying to

you are indeed the chill and cool guy in this conversation that can’t tell the difference between active hate and being critical of a film on a pop culture website. 

the panic that takes place here when people correctly assess tlj as bad is weird. it’s ok to like bad movies even if people you don’t like think it’s bad for stupid reasons. there’s no reason to play make believe about it being coherent or artful or well conceived and executed. a maga hat will not magically manifest

it didn’t occur when he was anywhere near to the biggest name in comedy. lots of reasons not to like louis but the insane thing gizmodo verticals do where they treat him like a sex predator due to a series of affirmatively consensually if awkward sex acts is nasty and diminishes the crimes of genuine monsters like

ok but you can see how criticizing obama and the media for facilitating genocide in yemen makes you a sexist, misogynist pie in the sky bernie bro purity test immature extremist radical don’t you? it’s people like you that got trump elected dont let the perfect be the enemy of the etc

is it even stealth?

what an incredible brain malfunction it is to characterize preventing blacks from getting equal rates on car loans as comparable to an amazon prime subscription. the fuck is wrong with you

lol you’re a goddamn retard, shut up