st anger snare

you’re not on the left at all if you don’t think our first jewish, lifelong civil rights advocate, left wing president wouldn’t have been remarkable or accomplished anything imo. you don’t even understand what made him popular in the first place. you’re almost ignorant enough to get an oped gig at the nyt.

it’s a moronic sentiment considering the person bernie was running against but whatever yall gotta tell yourselves

gillibrand has been relatively consistent on this issue if you don’t count her being a scumbag right winger for most of her political career. she is distaff booker, no less scummy.

lotta great reasons to hate gillibrand, this isn’t one of them

i kinda wish i hated black people people so i could truly enjoy and relish the abject stupidity of the commenters on the root but i dont so i just find it kinda sad and dispiriting. it almost makes you wish for another tuskogee experiment just so yall would stop uncritically trusting everything our intelligence

idk you’d have to be a super duper turbo techno optimist to think brutal exploitation of the third world is going to coincide with greater environmental stewardship. love that positive attitude tho

the only thing that justifies how bad the comments here is how obvious y’all’s abject misery is. i dare say there is no more pathetic and humorless assortment of butthurt spazzes on the internet than are found in the kinja comments of a gizmodo vertical holy shit. 

this is frankly fuckin racist imo

healthcare totally whypipo shit rite

thanks for being like 1000000x less obnoxious than barsanti

i dont get it

we live in a country where there is a regulatory body that controls access to our plump consumer market and in fact the entire global financial system through the absolute primacy of our currency, and this regulatory body is an organ of a larger centralized system that includes a tax revenue collection apparatus

you kinda got shit for brains if you think pointing out corporate profits are up from the lowest valley of the recession is some kind of scintillating insight lol

except health care and education and emergency services and transportation and telecom infrastructure and mail delivery and literally any endeavor where the goal isn’t to make as much money as possible in the shortest amount of time possible

that’s like being an adult that believes in santa claus. there is obviously no such thing outside the fever dreams of 38 year old weed dealers with ron paul 2012 bumper stickers on their 2004 mustangs.

amazon operated at a loss until the cia deal, they were specifically made profitable by unelected administrators

if they proportionally don’t contribute as much as the less wealthy than they by definition don’t pull their weight. christ y’all free market cultists are dumb

no passive income is special sacred income that’s inherently more valuable than money you actually work for, for some odd reason.

i dont recognize the other fellows but everyone knows jp morgan was an evil pile of shit, as if his devil eyes didn’t automatically tip you off.

“the good ones...don’t want business to have (too many) more advantages than constituents”

uh it’d actually be better to implement single payer immediately

please log off and stop commenting forever thanks