st anger snare

he asked permission before wanking in front of everyone that came forward except for the woman who thought he may have been wanking while on the phone with him. the language isn’t that vague which makes it an outright falsehood which is kind of extreme even for a shit rag like the av club.

there are a handful of episodes like you describe, the majority of their preachy episodes have a very clear perspective and point to make though. i don’t even like south park much but it’s irritating when people just repeat this obviously false analysis of south park’s viewpoint. you think the first two episodes of

this is an insane comment since the show took a strong stance on topics last week and the week before. lol why the hell would you say that

somebody like cory booker is going to be a really interesting experiment in what happens when you take the most coldblooded piece of shit democrat available and make them say all the right things. personally i’ll vote for liars that tell me what i want to hear. if that doesn’t fly with the voters it’s definitely not

to be fair that’s a really weird microphone

lol this sounds trumpy as hell. stop staring into the abyss dude it’s bad for you

you can bitch and whine about how stupid a plurality of americans are or you could acknowledge the reality that both parties are holding a gun to their head and that running dogshit candidates tends to depress the vote. if you don’t want the vote to be depressed you can do your small part by not being a smug superior

yes, this is the shell game. you seem pretty on the ball so i don’t need to go into detail on the impact of the financial collapse on the material status of minorities in this country or obama’s half assed and purely ideological commitment to protecting finance criminals at the expense of the victims of their fraud,

you’re right, this country needs more democrats that hate women so that democrats can pursue a progressive agenda. 

remember this year when democrats crossed party lines to pass a series of financial deregulation bills that among other things allowed banks with less than $150 billion in assets to forgo demographic data reporting and in the process literally legalized racist lending lmfao

polling within a point of cruz in texas actually does mean something regardless of if beto wins or loses

yeah literally the only people weird enough to think like this are the little majority of lockstep apparatchiks that would vote for hitler’s belching asshole if it ran on the D ticket

the left wasn’t infighting. the left is on the same page generally about the MIC and finance and criminal justice and health care and education reform and a bunch of other policies. your friends the democrats have spent the last couple years helping trump gut banking regulations, commit genocide in yemen and

pls don’t blather non sequiturs at me. if your badly conceived talking points were effective on normal people y’all wouldn’t have bled out thousands of elected positions in the last couple of decades and lost a layup election to a game show host.

this guy’s criticism’s aren’t particularly well thought out but having this kind of tantrum over people criticizing your party is extremely weird. can you imagine being childish enough to honestly believe your reps have your best interests at heart? whence comes this unfathomable ignorance?

all of the aggrieved lockstep liberals in here are pretty dumb but you reading that and thinking it was a defense of manchin showcases a remarkable level of stupidity

yall sound like 2010 era glen beck shrieking about soros and alinsky when you start babbling about susan sarandon lmfao. just thought you might like to know how goddamn goofy it sounds to sane people.

it’s true, democratic leadership is entirely above criticism and act with perfect intentions and good faith at every opportunity. mommy and daddy know best. 

0% chance you actually know how these committees function

what’s more childish is hero worshiping people who genuinely do not have your best interests at heart. the implication is you’re either the same kind of ineffectual and spineless coward with bad intentions or you’re just too low info to know how dangerous blindly trusting the democrats to act as a genuine opposition