st anger snare

i knew this would be the top comment but i want to congratulate you for at least not going full creepy liberal with fbi worship. baby steps.

they don’t care about moderate voters, they want candidates that don’t spook their donors. the median voter theory is just an asspull to justify running shitty candidates, it has no basis in reality. vote for them if you have to but there’s no need to accept their lies at face value.

if you make politics a matter of personal identity instead of being able to rationally assess candidate’s agendas. if you support half of trump’s agenda, guess what, you’re advancing trump’s agenda. great job nice opposition. #resist. it’s important to stand for something and have an actual positive vision for the

they literally never put any thought into this topic whatsoever, they’re just repeating canned lines that have the ancillary effect of forgiving democratic leadership for their corruption in advance. they’re shouting comforting lies at each other.

you’re probably the kind of douchebag that calls himself a pragmatic realist and yet you failed to account for your brilliant strategy causing the democratic party to hemorrhage thousands of elected positions to the gop over the last couple of decades. and little things like mass incarceration, financial deregulation,

whatever you want sweetie. it’s your reality.

if it makes you happy to believe that i guess that’s completely fine. sure, louis ck will never work again. 

first of all i think it’s hilarious you felt the need to head off the counterargument that the viet cong and sandanistas weren’t leftists, like you’ve had this conversation before and someone in all seriousness laid that on you. sorry if that happened

an adult obtaining consent for and then proceeding to masturbate in front of another adult is, in fact, not illegal. 

you honestly think louis ck will ever have trouble booking a paid gig, ever? the one of if not the biggest comedians in america is doing surprise sets at the comedy cellar because that’s “literally” the only venue that will take him? does that sound even remotely plausible?

can’t tell if they hire these doofuses on purpose because they know that style appeals to/resonates with bored yuppies stealing company time or if it’s just a happy accident.

im not implying anything here but his style is almost identical to devin faraci’s. 

it’s because the movie was kinda bad and the implication is that if you recognize that you’re some kind of alt right shitlord or, lol, russian troll. it’s a fucking obnoxious way to begin a discussion on the topic, smugly wanking from the moral high ground about a goddamn toy commercial made by a company that uses

a sorta vague anti-imperialism doesn’t really make star wars left, at all. star trek is brazenly leftist. star wars is at most tepidly liberal, the new movies obnoxiously so. i think we could all stand to take a step back and acknowledge that not being outrageously reactionary isn’t the same thing as leftism, in

it’s beautiful when the most insufferable pair off like that, thank you

oh pft my bad. i thought you were taking you yes you to task for saying “leftists abhor her.” i knew reading these comments would drive me insane but i did it anyway

ok show me all the leftists that love global finance and the military industrial complex and neoliberal austerity capitalism

the people investigating her told her it was a breach of law and ethics that didn’t reach the threshold for prosecution. the nasty letter comey sent her was cited as one of the reasons he was fired. this didn’t happen very long ago lmfao. you don’t have to live in a land of make believe. 

this is basically the politics of avclubbers’ in a nutshell and y’all should be really embarrassed about how dopey and shallow it is

you definitely deserve it but please don’t speak for the rest of us