st anger snare

it’s like making frodo black

it’s a massive brain error to take broad sociological scale problems like criminality and try to apply your own judgements to the attitudes of individuals. it’s unhelpful in actually understanding the issue.

it is, though, and they are. other wealthy western countries don’t have those kinds of recidivism rates or the level of criminality we have. it’s how our society is structured. kneejerk tough on crime policy only makes the problem worse, not better. ironically your moral grandstanding results in more rapes and murders

lol only like 15% of the voting eligible population voted for trump. put down the silly slippery slope arguments and pick up a calculator

so it’s bad but B+ for futurama nostalgia?

the magic of identity politics is that it can be used to pimp out shitty right wing economic philosophy. hence democrats crossing party lines to deregulate banks, and barney frank himself penning an op/ed in favor of the repeal of dodd/frank.

actually, my tax dollars fund their servers and facebook should be nationalized and run by the ladies at the dmv.

this side effect of trump playing footsie with russia where dopey center right automatons call every viewpoint they don’t like russian propaganda is where the accusations of new mccarthyism come from, btw. grow up pls. opposing american global hegemony happens to, coincidentally, also be the only moral choice if you

don’t backpedal dogg, it’s nowhere near approaching universal healthcare. you said the thing, own the thing you said. honesty please.

“[the aca is] approaching universal healthcare” is probably the most politically illiterate statement possible. what a god awful talking point lol.

you’re the fucking idiot m8. progressive policies generally poll much better than centrist triangulation and you losers have bled out thousands of elected positions since 94. hey ever notice how right when the new democrats took power and starting ramming milton friedman down everybody’s throats the dems lost the

lol she was using her clout to help move the film forward and then people yelled at her a bunch.

johnny if you’re reading this i would fight you for half that not out of animosity necessarily but just because it would be fun and i could use some cash. thanks!

lol what an ironic comment

lol remember when the aca was going to make health insurance cheaper

the reason was that grandma was protected by god, which, now that i think about it, makes absolutely no sense since god is vulnerable to genesis. yep u right no discernible reason

no that’s an awkwardly phrased run on sentence, not a plank in a political platform. and lmfao you understand that o-c’s camp didn’t write that, one of hannity’s interns paraphrased her platform for the graphic, right?? 

if it’s extremely important to you that these things are impossible to fund, you have strong motivations to believe this, that’s cool, no one’s going to force you to know what you’re talking about. it’s a very personal thing, and i’m pro choice when it comes to being ignorant as hell.

lol, no that is actually a platform. you’ve just never seen one before. put yourself back in your own mind a few years ago and ponder whether a half literate game show host becoming president is a particularly realistic prediction, then weigh that prediction against whether it’s possible to pass domestic legislation

this isn’t the kind of thing anyone who knows how those programs are traditionally funded or how the american economy functions in general would say, it’s more of a mindless talking point for ignorant people to nod along to.