st anger snare

well no shit lol because the dccc only shares campaign resources with candidates preapproved by donors and runs oppo on anyone to the left of ronald reagan. creepy right wing democrats are terrible at winning elections against republicans, if you hate the poor your choice is simple, choose the candidate who’s less

y’all know absolutely nothing about the path to victory. that mindless cliche about the perfect vs the good not only has the faulty premise that there’s anything good about war and finance democrats, but it’s demonstrably false that they’re capable of winning elections since they’ve gotten slaughtered at the polls to

in democratic primaries where the dccc run oppo against candidates who don’t pass their purity test, limit access to campaign resources, generally fight tooth and nail to prevent anyone who frightens their top donors from getting nominated. i thought you dorks were supposed to be pragmatic and realistic. there are

democrats have lost over a thousand elected positions since they fell in love with war, finance and austerity. the idea that reagan democrats are electable is a dumb lie. it’s not a coincidence democrats held the house 40 years straight through the duration of the keynesian consensus and then lost it immediately after

there’s no evidence whatsoever moderates are more electable, that’s just a fantasy creepy right wing democrats tell themselves to justify being creepy and right wing.

no you’re right, black people don’t need health care, public higher education, higher wages. those aren’t poc concerns at all. totally just white people stuff. in fact, those policy goals are racist. that’s the ticket.

this is a very, very good comment.

it is, but some people who push that fairy tale don’t like to be called right wing.

seems like killing the taliban is an actual problem since we’ve spent 18 years shitfucking afghanistan and still somehow haven’t pulled it off

this highlights how morally and intellectually bankrupt centrism is, they’re always at the mercy of the overton window. having genuine values is better but nobody with that much power is even human anymore. centrism in this case manifests as anti-worker.

that is an astoundingly ignorant headline

it was a little disingenuous since the study she was citing showed that a full third of her supporters were malignant racist deplorables too. could’ve been an opportunity for a frank discussion. but if you think hillary gives a shit about black people you must’ve fallen off the turnip truck in 2016.

lol remember when hillary kept black prisoners as servants

yeah no this is a shit comeback imo

there’s the PR side of the NRA, which is horrifying, and then there’s the courtroom side which is great if you like gun rights. they spend a lot of time working with the aclu. that’s why people like them.

clio just have the courage to come right out and say that democrats have been trying to slash taxes for the wealthy for a long time and that they have absolutely no interest in reversing the gop tax plan. he’s being honest, the only difference between the tax bill trump signed and hillary would’ve signed is that in

no, the topic was obama’s legacy on warfare and the creepy liberals showed up to announce that simply being aware of america’s actions abroad is what got trump elected.

i’ve got the knowledge to back it up, you just retreat behind being shitty and passive aggressive. if you want to dial your bullshit back and talk about the actual issue that’s fine, but at no point did you ever have anything substantive to say or you would’ve said it. i’m forced to conclude that you’re a low info

lol you’re still too much of an ignorant coward to even argue your own position. sorry you’ve got shitty opinions on topics you don’t know anything about. sorry you think being a smug, passive aggressive idiot is a good substitute for knowledge. sorry you think not giving a shit about war crimes makes you better than

lol look at this fuckin lunatic