st anger snare

lol you wrote a whole lot of paragraphs without actually ever engaging with the real-life events jeremy was referencing because you’re too intellectually lazy/cowardly to argue your own position. good job jackin yourself off on the internet justifying enough bloodletting to drown a city. that’s real mature and

it’s not hard. you just don’t give fawning compliments to the guy who created a global refugee crisis and spawned multiple failed states. obama’s better on foreign policy than mccain. that doesn’t mean he didn’t, say, kill an american child with a drone and lie about it.

and i get tired of ignorant people like yourself who don’t know why al qaeda and isis exist in the first place. al qaeda is literally the united states and saudi arabia’s auxiliary military force in the middle east, we fight along side them almost as often as we kill them (take a look at syria and yemen) and isis is a

good for you and all but i knew a bjj black belt that could kill you as soon as look at you and she shut down during her sexual assault because it’s traumatic and that’s just what happens sometimes.

i dont wanna be the lefty gatekeeper here but if you can’t keep it together enough to consistently oppose the slaughter of thousands of women and children on behalf of the fossil fuel industry just because obama is a charming celebrity then yeah. you suck at leftism, are a hypocrite, don’t understand your own

russia is surrounded by troops and missiles and their economy is a smoldering crater. they are not playing a long game or chessmastering shit. they are getting their asses kicked by us and they’re doing absolutely everything in their limited power to keep from getting decapitated from within or without or both

my mistake, thanks. it’s still not in F major though. i just played through smells like teen spirit for the first time in over a decade. it’s in F minor natural. the melody, solo, chords, everything. all based around F minor.

read the last sentence of the post you’re replying to

i don’t know what the fuck you’re babbling about and i have no idea why you’re getting stars, the song is in goddamn E minor. quit trolling people. he doesn’t voice the A major or sing a C# anywhere in the entire song. if he did, it’s still wouldn’t be in E major, it’d be in E minor dorian. go play the song. on an

i wish kurt had a twitter.

lol the entire grunge catalogue has been moved to the classic rock stations and gets played alongside led zeppelin et al and will continue to be a part of the cultural consciousness until all the 90s kids die off

it’s sung in E minor and the lead is in E minor.

...are you familiar with, like, any of the history of the cia? it’s a criminal organization. they literally run drugs and arm terrorists and topple democracies. tortured thousands of people in the 00s. they’re liars. murderers. international war criminals. they don’t work for you. creating a bunch of failed states and

you ever think like maybe if the fbi hadn’t spent a couple generations tormenting, entrapping and murdering civil rights leaders and left organizers we might not be in this particular pickle?

well that’s retarded. i don’t think anyone with a cursory familiarity with the history, recent or otherwise, of the fbi and cia could honestly believe that their function is to protect democracy and the rule of law.

it’s the constellation of unelected entities that set our foreign policy agenda and create a continuity of policy between administrations. it’s not some super secret conspiracy. you can hate the illiterate rapist president and also be vaguely aware of how our government is structured at the same time, one does not

wtf is an emo boyband nazi guy?

saying anything remotely negative about soldiers will get you buried in a mountain of bad press and public ill will.

lol, no. no reviewers are praising the plot and character development. they’re praising the effects and the casting and the light subversion of the main star wars themes. ignatiy’s review is such an incoherent clusterfuck he calls del toro’s character an antihero.

did somebody already say “...and nothing of value was lost” because i’ll go ahead and say it damn the torpedoes