st anger snare

i’m sure the opposing legal team had absolutely no strategies to account for that line of argument and would’ve wilted under your considerable rhetorical prowess.

“so they could stop paying high insurance premiums”

yes you are quite eloquent indeed, persuasive too. certainly apple’s lawyers never considered it from that angle.

lol the only way bono could possibly personify shitbag 21st century liberalism more is if he was literally al gore

recognitions is outraged by an errant speck of dust catching the sunlight just so, but by and large people are just enjoying themselves making fun of bono, who is a massive tool.

yeah that’s not how words work buddy

i don’t see why you have to be an obnoxious idiot just because some nerds did a thing or whatever

the empire in the OT was this archetypal thing. the audience knows what an empire is, knows what an emperor is. imperialism was this big controversial issue that touched millions of american lives in the 70s. it was A Thing.

any hack can pose mysteries. storytelling takes actual talent. telling the story you’re trying to tell is better than not telling a story. the story ends up being about the shitty, rushed writing process itself instead of the characters and what they do and why.

that’s not what a mcguffin is

lol @ your homophobia when angered by facts

trump also nominated the goddamn ceo of exxon as secretary of state. there’s no subtext to trump whatsoever. the man is not subtle. there is at least a degree or two of separation between hillary and her bond villains but don’t kid yourself if you think she or any other presidential nominee doesn’t privilege the

they’re heavily sanctioned. nato is piling up troops and missiles along their western border. we fought a proxy war with them in syria for years. we kicked out dozens of russian diplomats. we launched a broad public investigation of our president into his ties with russia. we stopped just short of blowing their planes

lol exactly. well said.

gosh i’m sure mike hates getting a write-up in a high-traffic pop culture blog. way to stick it to him. another win for the good guys. doing great work y’all #resistance

That’s. Why. Donald. Trump. Is. Rotting. In. A. Ditch. Somewhere. Instead. Of. Enjoying. Another. 3-7. Year. As. The. Most Powerful. Man. On. The. Planet.

you realize washington is lousy with foreign agents and lobbyists paying american candidates cash fucking money to change american laws to suit their interests right? and that working as a fixer for foreign dictators is just a basic job that’s available for lobbyists, which is why foreign agent registration is a

i hope someday big daddy pentagon kills a lot of people so you can feel better about the dnc getting embarrassed, too.

people keep saying this and it’s not true, at all. they hide from the galactic empire hellbent on murdering them until a young untrained force sensitive youth falls in their laps and they immediately radicalize and weaponize him and point him at the emperor. that’s... the plot of the trilogy.

no yeah it is. taste is subjective. media has objective qualities. nobody’s saying you can’t enjoy a bad movie. narrative structure and logic, character development, technical competency, performances, and creative success or failure can be objectively measured. that’s... like.. the entire point of media analysis?