st anger snare

the story may be as old as time but you still have to, you know, tell it. saying “luke’s just a worthless sadsack now ok just roll with it” is lazy shorthand. ideas are great. i’ve got ideas. you’ve got ideas. ideas aren’t stories. the ideas have to turned into narrative. character growth has to be justified. “old

“any quality measurement of the film is subjective in nature.”

idk dude i just read it in the wookiepedia. google the new order or the first order or whatever it’s called. i think it’s tie-in novels.

the shitty purple dye job is part of the uniform of urban white 30 something hillary voter blogger ladies and it makes internet boys really angry for some reason

what? the members of boybands were attractive and charismatic. that does not apply to the alt-right.

that’s really weird and sad. tell your brother it’s ok to not like things. the alt-right eats food and breathes air too.

nah they radicalized a young farmboy into a living weapon and pointed him straight at the emperor as soon as they got a chance. some lil lady who wrecks sith with no training falls in luke’s lap and he just pouts and whines because a former student became the inept sidekick to the leader of the scattered remnants of

there’s actually a canon backstory to all this shit and it’s about as dumb as humanly possible.

pretty sure mark hamill has exactly the career he wanted. sure he’s probably jealous of harrison ford but who isn’t?

your weird issues with the dimly perceived progressive politics of a disney toy commercial are completely fucking retarded but you’re absolutely correct that it’s gross for the av club to ride the mouse’s dick so hard and this used to be a good website like a decade ago.


yoda and obi wan were biding their time. the second they got the opportunity to weaponize luke they took it. they didn’t just suck walrus balls and go “the force? so over it”

there’s no point in comparing hamill’s perspective to yours or mine. we’re not the guy who played luke skywalker 5 times and we didn’t get paid several fortunes to act in and promote the films. hamill spent months bitching about luke’s arc, this is not an isolated incident. and that’s a guy staring down the barrel of

lol did you feel personally attacked? you poor thing

there’s no controversy. the creators trying to justify on a plot or character level shoehorning in driver’s absurdly large torso into the movie is amusing. i don’t think people have a problem with it, exactly. it’s just funny. someday maybe people are going to chill the everloving fuck out and we can just talk about

it just sorta looks like some people who had some issues with the film and one individual named xanderpuss who likes boys and piss (totally ok!) and has a massive chip on his shoulder about people not liking a toy commercial as much as he did, which is less ok.

you may be a weird idiot but at least you’re prolific

you’re right, dan. adults just passively enjoy toy commercials. the new star wars movie is so good that it defies any analysis that concludes that it’s a creative failure, any mature and pragmatic adult can understand that. it’s not dumb, plotless spectacle like, say jurassic world. no, it’s a tightly plotted and

i don’t think it precludes all possibility of individuals making their own judgements at all, but it does influence the media environment those discussions are held in. these cherrypicked tweets articles are all bullshit, it’s a hitpiece on some strawman mommy’s basement antisocial edgelord. you read the article. you

this isn’t Just A Movie though, it’s a Universal Pop Culture Event that worms its way into and dominates all other media for a month. it’s frankly fucking creepy. there’s no way to get a genuine sense for the quality of the movie when disney owns all the movies and controls access to all the stars and events and