st anger snare

people just don’t know how to criticize things and that’s a failure of the media for the most part. sure we can have crank calls and yo momma jokes and jay z references in star wars, but can we have them on top of a nonsense plot with like 5 climaxes with little to no character development? is that good?

lol “real star wars fan” get a fucking grip on your life

people turn it into this idiotic partisan thing where it’s the brave rebel alliance of people who uncritically knobslobber toy commercials facing off against the evil empire of angsty edgelords who want total fanservice.

rey goes from having no personality to believing she can change her abusive boyfriend with the power of love. that’s sort of an arc.

you could cut everything having to do with finn and rose and lose pretty much nothing from the plot. cut poe too and all the calvinball spaceship bullshit.

this reviewer is awesome. got sass to spare. let the man work.

i’m all for representation but it’s not like jews are some materially and systematically oppressed minority or even, lol, hurting for representation in popular culture. the representation as engine of cultural change thing makes sense when talking about (some) oppressed minorities, i’m fairly convinced that shit like

not even loyalty. trump doesn’t know or care about federal judges. he gets a list from the mercers and stacks the federal judiciary with batshit evangelical ideologues in exchange for, basically, money.

you understand chase is a criminal organization, right? convicted of felony currency manipulation, helped wreck the global economy, fined billions of dollars for countless financial crimes? really scraping the bottom of the barrel here, pimping Chase Credit Products TM. what’s next? conflict diamonds? crude oil?

you understand chase is a criminal organization, right? convicted of felony currency manipulation, helped wreck the

i keep seeing this justification for bad storytelling decisions in the new trilogy. it’s not enough to just point at a superior movie, say they did it too, then wash your hands of the whole thing. as much as they’d like to just reshoot the original trilogy that’s not what they did, they are for better or worse telling

the interiors of spaceships in the star wars universe have artificial gravity that happens to be the same as a film set on earth. he’s saying they flew close enough to the ship that the bombs were attracted to the artificial gravity of the spaceship. the spaceship is obviously not large enough to create a gravity well

why do they all have the same hair??? are they sharing a wig?? can only afford one wig??

if the past is any indication the next democrat president will promote ajit to a position of even greater authority. looking forward to secretary of state ajit pai under president chelsea clinton.

you realize bill clinton’s deregulated the telecom industry in the first place which allowed them to metastasize into monopolies powerful enough to purchase fcc appointees, right? this guy was appointed by obama and confirmed unanimously by a democratic senate. it’s not like ajit makes a secret of his agenda.

holy moly you gotta fuck off with the weird race traitor thing, what a dumb take
when liberals get this bogged down into racial identity politics at the expense of reality they start to loop around to sounding like a 15 year old on r/altright

lol he’s an obama appointee

lol ok you overplayed your hand here this is clearly a gimmick account

considerably less excited for this now. this is a trailer so who knows how it’ll play out but it looks like they chopped the pacing up to make it linear and they changed the motivation of the protagonist. looks mcguffinized.

nope. that winky sly dogwhistle racism the gop do is not alt-right. the alt-right is literally just about preserving the white race. a lot of them want left wing redistributionist policies like single payer and ubi... as long as america is all-white. the gop are in it for the money, and racism is big business. there’s

the alt-right are basically just nazis. they have no politics outside of racial resentment. it’s all about that ethnic cleansing of america. here’s a good rule of thumb: conservatives like israel because they’re going to kickstart the apocalypse and bring jesus back. the alt-right like israel because they’re a vicious