st anger snare

it would justify your uncritical affection for hillary clinton. i was trying to be nice, giving you an excuse. maybe you’re a diehard milton friedman fan and see the third way agenda as the best way to to preserve a status quo that works for you. that would actually make sense. if you’re not, what the hell are you

deflect, deny, stick your fingers in your ears, lalalala

i didn’t say they were the same. i said that 10 democrats have allied with the republicans to give them a veto-proof majority in their bid to legalize industrial scale financial fraud. it’s right there in black and white. you just have to read it. so you don’t have to wait for it to show up on cable news.

if you weren’t all hopped up on the cult of personality surrounding her you’d realize her record is poisonous and people have ample legitimate reasons to hate her that don’t have anything to do with the 90s. maybe you’re in love with supply side economics and endless war, maybe you genuinely value the donor class over

im pretty sure impairment isn’t a mitigating factor when prosecuting crimes. i aint no lawyer tho. you might get more leeway to plead your case down, or it might depend on how much you pay your lawyer.

“ all we want is to educate your children, see that you get fair pay for the work you do,that you can see a doctor when you need to (without going bankrupt)“

this line in the sand has the distinction of not threatening the profits of their wealthiest donors. they can just swap franken out, probably with someone more “business friendly.”

that’s illinois, though. there’s no creature on earth more spineless and self destructive than the illinois democrat.

lol this is just a distraction from tim kaine and a bunch of other democrats cosponsoring the gop’s financial deregulation bill. wake the fuck up, your party is rolling back all the obama-era consumer protections meant to prevent the finance industry from stealing another couple hundred billion dollars from the middle

i like franken ok. he’s a psychopath like the rest of them but we do not have enough old school labor democrats like him in the party.

lol remember when a guy named barack HUSSEIN obama handily won over the rust belt deplorables twice

she alienated the obama coalition in the midwest and maxed out her support in safe states for no goddamn reason. that idiot thought she was gonna flip arizona. hillary the creepy white conservative midwestern woman lost states that were won by a black man with a kenyan name.

lol you sound really smart.

she is the least popular politician in the country after all. what did you expect?

clinton hiding her emails so she wouldn’t be subject to FOIA is kinda blah to me compared to how she helped skullfuck the middle east and south ammerica as head of the state department. the media is incapable of criticizing warmaking though so they had to focus on her entertaining and enlightening but ultimately

you’re in luck, ten democrats including tim kaine just cosponsored legislation with the gop that’ll roll back all of the obama-era wall street regulations and consumer protections! bipartisanship is excellent! let’s have more of that! hell yeah! that’s what the country needs! right on! wow! that’s so dope!