st anger snare

trump totally campaigned for and supported mass murder. you’re right about the first thing, though.

this is a pretty dumb take imo. out of all the candidates, which one pointed out that median black household income dropped by more than 50% after the financial crisis? was it hillary clinton? or did she spend the primaries and general defending her long association with the criminals who stole half of the black

this is an embarrassingly hysterical take on stuff that could also be described as “wrote a weird essay on sexual politics in college” and “said some nice things about hugo chavez occasionally” and “didn’t alienate his coalition by wasting political capital on a wedge issue” etc.

this is flat-out bullshit. you’re either too lazy to read policy proposals or are genuinely a proponent of 21st century supply-side capitalism. too bad 50,000 people have to die from lack of health coverage every year so you can feel pragmatic and moderate.

westerns usually have jaw-dropping climaxes. wyatt’s death ride in tombstone, munny’s terminator rampage, the stand-off in the good, bad and ugly, etc. hell the ending of the the wild bunch changed cinema forever. i could go on.

there’s enough plot for a pretty good, if derivative, western stretched out over 7-8 hours. the last episode is garbage. everyone turns into an idiot and nothing about the climax makes sense.

this is a fucking great username. vastly superior to yours. you guys are the trolls, trump and the kochs have a nearly identical domestic agenda. it’s weird as fuck to sit around praising the dreamy noblesse oblige of the koch brothers. troll behavior. consider yourself flagged and reported.

it’s true though. the age of trump has made newspapers and magazines relevant and profitable again.

lol democrats

ben carson w0uld be perfect. or omarosa.

the times and the post are both vicious right wing rags run by billionaires. whatever the resistance is, they ain’t it.

this made me feel oddly smug about always validating ciri’s feelings and helping her grow strong enough to face her challenges. thanks, riley! i did manage to piss off triss and yennefer, though.

god bless you this fine thanksgiving day

you’re using “left” to mean “less malevolent” and that’s not really what it means. left refers to gearing the distribution of wealth and political capital to the working class. private prisons, war profiteering, liberalized markets, these things are the antithesis of left. there has never been a war hillary didn’t

don’t feel bad for them. they’re spoiled and lazy.

there’s nothing to disagree about with regards to her stance on war and finance, it’s not a matter of opinion. it’s a matter of public record. you understand that third way democrats are literally republican-lite, right? like, that’s the entire point of the exercise? to poach neocons from the gop?

lol i understand that you really don’t want to empathize with mel gibson and i empathize with that but pointing out that his rage and paranoia are probably manifestations of his diagnosed mental illness(es) isn’t something you need to self-righteously contradict. i’m pretty sure the dude didn’t say that mental illness

and the joke wasn’t even funny it’s just that angry humorless sarcasm thing people incorrectly refer to as “snark”

that’s a really dope apology. have you considered public relations work?

this bugged me a lot too, not because i give a shit about people being mean to mel gibson, but because it reads like you wrote it. it’s turgid, humorless and shrill. it’s just four paragraphs of obnoxious, sanctimonious screeching written by a salaried and unionized writing professional with absolutely no excuse for