st anger snare

the difference is gawker was occasionally funny/witty/wryly ironic and they broke a shitload of major news stories and kinda defined an era of media. this is just some nerd screaming at me, a person who has not lived under a rock for the last decade, that mel gibson is a dick. this is stupid content farm bullshit and

this is quality content

yeah so this style of prose you’re doing, this sanctimonious blogger shtick, it’s really obnoxious. the gawker house style (when it worked) worked because it was funny and wry. yeah we get that mel sucks, you don’t have to bury the thing you’re reporting in a bunch of pissy self-righteous invective to convey that.

that was, what? 20+ years ago?

i’ve had whedon in my scandal pool for weeks, shocked nothing has come up yet.

tom waits does some bluesy stuff but it’s always baroque and theatrical as fuck, two things blues is not. like, you can’t call queen a blues rock band because fat bottom girl is a big pentatonic rock song.

there’s such a thing as modern blues???

at least bluesdad wank is a distinct expression of excruciating whiteness with its lack of nuance or dynamics and overcompensating obsession with licks. “real” delta blues was beautiful and complex, it’s vaguely offensive to me whenever i see a white dude in a stupid hat play delta style even or especially if they’re

you know who did have an f-hole on her top though? go on, guess.

this is a great idea for an article but you can’t just slap the “delta” modifier on any old generic bluesdad bullshit.

it’s certainly interesting that the amount of purchasing power women as a class have is the same extent to which the media and society give a shit about them being raped. i don’t think the appropriate lesson to take from this is that greater diversity in billion dollar toy commercials = social and political capital.

men with any kind of power feel entitled to sex. that’s why so many people want to minimize the actions of people like louis and franken, because most of us have done the same or worse. can’t recall how many times older guys told me stuff like “a woman will always forgive an honest kiss” when i was growing up. almost

nearly all reps on either side of the aisle were ok with doing the equivalent of filling an olympic sized swimming pool with the blood of innocent people every day for what basically amounts to no good reason, across 2 administrations. yemen is obama’s war, trump’s just keepin on for the same reason obama extended and

Despite all the change, he’s still just Billy on the page.

tangentially related, omar forcefully kissed and groped a friend of mine when she was 14 in the back of a cab during the mars volta era.  

he repeatedly said he wanted to date her, and he confirmed to howard stern that she is indeed a piece of ass. you are welcome to google these things. your president, bro. your dude.

we built modern russia. our economists oversaw the allocation of public resources to a handful of individuals, creating the gangster oligarchy. we intervened in their elections, making sure yeltsin and putin rose to power. they’re a little baby america, created in our image, exporting their own fucked up version of

lol bro like 60+ other countries have figured out how to not kill off 65,000 of their own citizens every year tying access to health care to income. we’re behind in basic shit like life expectancy and infant mortality rate, education and social mobility, labor force participation rates, median incomes, homicide,

right. this is why the entire establishment backed clinton - they’d get their tax cuts and new wars and it’d be spearheaded by an A student. this is why the founder of PNAC endorsed her, why david frum endorsed her, why she publicly begged for henry kissingers endorsement and privately had bill reassure the finance