st anger snare

jesus christ, wikileaks did not unleash trump on the world you dingus. nbc did. fuck assange for being a covert political agent working on behalf of trump but “burn the whole fucking world to the ground” is ridiculously over the top. as far as enemies of freedom go some dork with a website doesn’t rate.

to be fair to ol glenn the standards for reporting on russia stuff was abysmal. if you read him you’d see the long, long list of lies and retractions corporate media went through in their shotgun approach to painting anything and anyone as kremlin agents. for a long time, when we were just going off of the addled

kinda funny that being anti-america will often put you in a place nearly indistinguishable from a pro-freedom stance, isn’t it? if revealing wanton slaughter and global institutional corruption makes your country look bad maybe it’s time to shift your priorities a little, maybe? like, maybe the heavily sanctioned and

that’s because wikileaks released a lot of information vital to the public interest that produced a lot of great journalism shining a light on institutional corruption and state-sponsored murder. assange may be a fuckwad and wikileaks may be a tool of the dirty russkies but you take the good with the bad. while we’re

you’re providing new context for a quote that already has all the context it was intended to have. it’s vague for a reason.

oh jeez look at me dead on this hill. alas and alack i have been slain by your incoherent bullshit. yes let’s all sit around praying that trump sees the light, that’s a plausible thing and not an idiotic waste of time. thoughts and prayers yall! thoughts and prayers!! in yo face!!!

that, along with his massive ears are a hallmark of his irrepressible irishness. my whole family looks exactly like sean hannity, even the women. we’re a handsome bunch.

that interview was given in october. it’s obvious to most people by now that a win for trump is a loss for us. not to bryan cranston, but to the overwhelming majority of people that live below his tax bracket. what possible consequences of trump’s failure would put the country in jeopardy? he’s not personally manning

don’t feel too good about yourself lol you’re still the asshole that wants 65,000 americans to die every year so you can feel smart voting for shitty right wing finance gangsters and war criminals. you’ve already got the world you want, we’re just embarrassingly wealthy in financial deregulation and endless war. why

fair enough, i didn’t know that. that’s an egregious error, sure, maybe an intellectually dishonest manipulation of the numbers, maybe an honest mistake. that doesn’t change the fact that his plan would drastically lower the cost of prescription drugs and health care. that’s sort of the issue here. that people are

foppish card game executives are pushovers compared to the thousands of heavily armed people who own land along the border. a wall across the rio grande is as likely to happen as building a 700 foot wall of ice along the northern border to halt an invasion of frost liches leading a zombie army

like for fuck’s sake the conflict over domestic drug pricing is such widely available information and such a well-publicized controversy. holy shit. it’s like the av club attracts a certain kind of condescending grandiloquent retard who mistakes their own shitty attitude for knowledge. you’re so impressed with your

oh wow i missed this one. lol the policy proposal includes price controls to bring pharma costs in line with what the rest of the world pays, which is a tiny fraction of the bloated drug prices our government allows the pharma industry to gouge people.

that seems kinda tricky since tone is hard to gauge on the internet. best practice is to respond to what people say imo. this is why i’m talking directly at your words, trying to understand them and trying to impart my understanding of them. it’s all good skip. namaste

i don’t hate the guy but i am suspicious of rich ass liberal celebrities who stand to benefit from trump’s policies telling people to support the implementation of his agenda. not that it’s any of your business whether i hate bryan cranston or not, and i’m not sure why uninformed celebrity politics wankery is

bryan cranston is an airhead actor who knows fuck all about politics and policy beyond his own tax rate.

lol you failed to defend your shitty position so badly you had to an invent a thing i didn’t say just to, what? save face on the internet? walk away feeling like a winner? that’s really weird and sad. i’m sorry about your fucked up brain and crippling emotional instability.

i’m glad that, for the very first time, you are using actual knowledge derived from data to discuss this issue. we’re in heady new frontiers now.

“when has killing people ever been a good thing?” is one of those fucked up zen koans that’ll drive you crazy. the punisher was created in 1974, just after watergate and at the tail end of the vietnam war, when the american people knew we were losing and knew the war was prosecuted by poison and fire and

and before you reply please take a deep breath, collect yourself, and respond to the actual thing i said. you keep talking around me, missing that i’m presenting you with concrete facts. it’s weird and embarrassing. read first, then answer. thanks in advance!