st anger snare

lmfao do you honestly not know there was already a decade-long AWB between 94 and 04? this is not a hypothetical. there is data to work with. i see your confusion, it’s because you literally know absolutely nothing about what we’re talking about. it was allowed to expire because it accomplished absolutely nothing.

you’re just jacking yourself off dude. the whole deductive logic part where IF assault rifles only account for a handful of shootings a year THEN the assault rifle ban was only capable of saving a handful of lives a year is pretty straightforward. beyond that there were multiple studies done on the impact of the ban

can’t help but notice you neglected to mention that chase bank has been convicted of multiple felonies and admitted to defrauding investors and contributing substantially to the global financial crisis that destroyed millions of lives. given chase bank’s heinous and recent criminal history, how do you justify pimping

can’t help but notice you neglected to mention that chase bank has been convicted of multiple felonies and admitted

this is a hilarious post because obama oversaw the slaughter of thousands of women and children

fair enough!

you’re right, i don’t know if the assault weapon ban saved 0 lives or 5 lives or 20 lives. how ever many lives it saved are statistically insignificant to the point where there was no indication the assault weapon ban had any impact on the homicide rate whatsoever. the practical effect of it is that it saved zero

that’s not ron’s argument at all, he’s harping on the militia thing and gives absolutely no indication of understanding the heller decision or, heck, the constitution at all. i’m not some constitutionalist creep, but when discussing the constitution it’s important to, ya know, display an understanding of the syntax.

this is better. earlier your phrasing was more like “i don’t fucking swear fucking improperly you dumb cunt fucking retard hitler stalin!” less is more imo.

no offense but i think this post captures the failures of the modern liberal imagination perfectly. there’s nothing wrong with urging people to grow their local industries around the resources they have (natural beauty in this case) but fundamentally the issue is that almost literally all of the money created by the

yes i read your initial post. there’s a *reason why that’s happening right now.* it didn’t just appear out of nowhere. the psychopaths in the finance industry wrecked the entire goddamn world and liberal democracies used that as an excuse to steal the future of the next generations and give it to banks. this is a

it’ just kinda wet and sticky yknow?

thank you for the thoughtful response. what jobs do you think they should be retrained for? obviously coal isn’t the energy source of the future but i wasn’t under the impression that they had a lot of opportunities outside of service industry work. the romance about the coal miner’s way of life is, to me, ridiculous.

i honestly don’t care. how did you live such a full life without ever learning how to swear properly?

on a serious note you sound like you’re wallowing in abject misery and projected self-loathing and should get that looked at before it gets too serious. you’ll find empathy with conservatives by realizing that politics and morality aren’t the same exact thing and that a good portion of those 65 million trump voters

i believe you’re an obnoxious asshole on the internet that has lost friends, but having also grown up in the bible belt i know you don’t get away with acting like that in real life. you sound like you’re 12 (learn to swear! it gives you away!) so you probably haven’t run into anyone willing to give you the shitkicking

idk seems kinda weird and anti-semitic for you to explicitly state that the coastal media is run by a cabal of elite jews

lol understanding other people’s perspective won’t kill you. you don’t have to love somebody to understand them. this attitude reminds me of when you’re trying to explain environmental factors leading to criminal behavior to conservatives and they start accusing you of coddling criminals. it helps to remember that 20%

i’ve finally learned to love kinja, where you can just call somebody a retard fuckass hitler satan with zero embarrassment or self reflection required. sometimes it’s great to just get naked and roll around in a pile of shit.  

they’re vulnerable to the leader of their party being an embarrassing fuckwit and they’re trapped in this marriage with him until he leaves office. you’re really, really reaching to get mad about this cartoon.

isn’t it kinda weird how trump talks about wanting to fuck his own daughter all the time? like, what’s up with that?