st anger snare

the atf burned a bunch of white babies alive in the 90s and went on a decade-long rampage using white separatists as target practice. then tim mcveigh blew up the atf building and the feds decided to stop using creepy white people as target practice.

daiquiri montgomery is my new stripper name thank you

y’all could use your platform to educate your readers about the dangers of media monopolies and in the process construct a coherent political identity for your publication outside of generic corporate liberalism. people generally don’t understand how these massive media monopolies were consolidated and how this

the only reason it’s important for you to slap the terrorist label on that guy is for twisted rhetorical reasons. there’s no value or utility in it, you’re just doing an ironic imitation of right wing idiots who call everything terrorists because the word justifies stripping people of their humanity and due process.

terrorism usually has an ideological motivation. that was an act of unthinkable fuckwadism

to be fair he probably raised a spoiled monster

another issue is that corporations evade taxes not just through generous loopholes but by stashing trillions in earnings offshore where it can’t be taxed until it’s repatriated. the theory is that by cutting corporate taxes we can entice them to repatriate some of that money and increase our overall revenue. hillary

i talk a lot of shit about the writing on this site but hot damn is ignatiy a deft critic.

i mean rick perry is an evil idiot and everything but streetlights do reduce crime.

oh no not brett ratner

ruining everything because almost all the content is pirated. the tube sites are mostly all owned by one company. there’s no money in porn anymore so it’s just an endless reshuffle of stuff made in the 00s. the only people making a living are doing direct marketing, at least is gets paid for once before it’s uploaded

im willing to forgive kevin spacey dry humping a 14 year old 30 years ago. you may not, and that’s ok. you know who’s way more of a piece of shit than kevin spacey and not nearly as good of an actor? sean penn. can we get some sean penn hate up in here?

being performatively offended about rape jokes on family guy isn’t a far-left thing, it’s a low-info centrist hillary democrat thing. these people hate the far-left as much if not more than they hate conservatives. they’ll happily defend trickledown economics and endless war, which are the primary engines of global

if you’d just left it at “stop making jokes” this would’ve been a good post instead of a cringy self-righteous hissy fit imo. just food for thought!

around 2012 there was a concerted effort at an editorial level to dumb down the content - make it more metrics driven and snackable to drive up clickthroughs and make them more attractive to investors. the financialization of what initially felt like a labor of love led to several purges of their best writers leaving


weird, the guy who uses the word purity like a slur thinks democrats should be more like republicans. completely unexpected.

and yet a statistically significant number of those deplorables voted for obama in 2012 and 2008.

i dont like sand