st anger snare

eh i wouldn’t go that far. you gotta keep in mind russia’s gdp is less than half of california’s. post-soviet russia was much weaker and we literally wrote their economic destiny and created the gangster oligarchy they live under. that’s why putin’s so popular over there, he was able to take russia from being a shitty

to the extent that the state is controlled by the private interests who also own the bloated media conglomerates that control one of the two political narratives you’re allowed to believe, all major american media is state-run.

any contribution by a foreign national to an american political campaign is outright illegal. the number of campaign finance laws hilldogg and trump violated are many and great and nobody actually cares so you gotta set that aside.

to extend that terrible metaphor ideological bankruptcy is not a good flame retardant, it’s more like gasoline. trump’s vision for america may not be coherent or desirable but at least it’s a vision. the democrat vision of right wing economic policy, infinite endless war and insincere pandering to identity aren’t

idk if this is antisemitic or whatever but popular wisdom is that skinny jews have hella dick

a lot of people click and comment on these things and they take absolutely no effort to produce. the purpose of the av club is to make as much money as possible with as little effort as possible. the purpose of the av club is not to produce content of any substance or value. i hope this helps.

i see your point and appreciate your explanation but it’s kinda goofy af to complain about pettiness in the comments section of trash media gizmodo vertical the onion av club. if you’re looking for anything but limp, bored and boring office worker blog-style bullshit you’re barking up the wrong media conglomerate.

um budget cuts forcing our boys in blue to take a sideline in landscaping?

with that sweet pucker of his? you bet your bippy

explain how this is petty

maybe i’ve just got a weak grip or something but i’ve aways found it easy to just firmly grasp their neck without applying enough pressure to cut off blood or air and everybody had a nice safe time.

it’s impossible to know how to respond to this because almost literally every part of it is complete bullshit. there is a google. you could have compared hillary and bernie’s senate records, or learned how certains policies are implemented and funded, or researched hillary’s role in the state department, or whether

i’m sorry you don’t know how legislation works and are a creepy supply side democrat. that truly sucks. i’m glad you’ve got the courage to admit you share a lot more ideological real estate with ted cruz than you do with bernie sanders. that’s fucking awful, but still. brave to admit.

step one: know about a thing. step two: say stuff about a thing. don’t attempt step two until you’ve completed step one. you got mad at a fact i stated and accused me of sucking “nra pipe,” you’re an idiot and an asshole. hostility to facts is a dangerous brain malfunction. there is a potential version of you that

i was gonna make fun of you until i saw your username and now i just have respect for your passion regarding diy knitted headware.

i’m going to preface this by saying i haven’t watched this last debate, maybe bernie shit his pants and drooled the whole time idk. that said,

i don’t know why you’d go so far out of your way to inform people that you are incapable of familiarizing yourself with bernie’s (publicly available) actual record, seems a little embarrassing to me but whatever. there’s no paywall or subscription behind candidates’ senate votes, you could know what you’re talking

the bernie/ted debates are pretty entertaining if you like politics. ted’s law and debate training makes him ideally suited for weasel-wording republican policy into something that almost sounds palatable, he’s a masterdebatur. his major disadvantages in debate is 1. that he’s personally loathsome in every respect and

lol i love how you spent a thousand paragraphs sucking your own dick arguing nebulous philosophical points that have nothing to do with the issue, but when replying to my posts that just present facts and observable data you have absolutely nothing to say. you know jack shit about the topic, writing a bajillion words

the poor moral character of chase bank is possibly related to the fact that the entity of chase bank is a convicted felon. you shouldn’t let gangsters hold your money for you, they’re guaranteed to abuse it. don’t enable their destructive lifestyle. you made the right choice.

the poor moral character of chase bank is possibly related to the fact that the entity of chase bank is a convicted