st anger snare

that’s fascinating. also, chase bank: the corporate person is a convicted felon and probably shouldn’t be trusted with your money at all.

that’s fascinating. also, chase bank: the corporate person is a convicted felon and probably shouldn’t be trusted

you can arrive at conclusions about things by looking at the available data, and that is not a particularly esoteric or controversial fact you’re upset about. sorry about your brain dogg. make it better by learning.

[in blink 182 voice] so i guess this is growing up

there’s some stiff competition but this might be the most insufferable bullshit anyone has written on the av club kinjaverse gizmodo vertical comment section so far. sorry about your shit sex life and crippling political anxieties, try to live and let live though. you’ll feel better.

lol other countries have lots of mass shootings. lots of other countries have both higher violent crime rates and much tighter gun regulations. there isn’t an effective blueprint for lowering the rate of gun-related crimes via gun control, it’s literally never been done. the usa and the rest of the western world

i’ve been happily married for roughly a decade but i think these days you’re supposed to do the shotgun approach on a dating app until you bottom out your standards and then awkwardly watch a streaming service together before you ineptly have regretful sex and ghost each other.

my [family member] married the dude who used to harass her at work (service job), who she rejected multiple times. he’s still a total creep but they’re happily married going on like 5 years which at their age is pretty impressive.

coke isn’t supposed to burn, sean. quit doing that bunk shit.

dogs don’t have kneecaps. it’s just a joint like an elbow. leave papa bear alone.

mike pence would nuke iran and kickstart armageddon the second he got into office. trump’s a bully and a coward and a nihilist so his foreign policy is characterized by retarded bluster and civilian casualties that make obama look like mr rogers.

to the evangelicals trump is like king david: a flawed vessel for god’s will. his batshit judicial appointments will be attacking lgbt and women’s rights for a generation to come, so the christians win i guess.

pence is vastly more likely to start ww4, being a batshit christian jihadist and all.

every now and then trump reminds us that he can actually be funny in the right context, that’s some pretty wicked ball-busting.

uh the media narrative is that cruz is smart, but he’s actually super shitty at everything: campaigning, coalition-building, legislating, not eating boogers on live television, masturbating stealthily, you name it, he’s bad at it.

lol i hadn’t had coffee yet and was just chiming in with no context. my bad

yeah no i would 100% rather get hit in the head with a pool cue than a baseball bat. one will leave a nasty contusion, the other will kill you.

“an unstable government with a hate on for America” is frankly a fucking stupid way to characterize iran. if half your articles are going to be about politics hows about hiring someone with at least a small clue about the topic?

clinton colluded with russia to install drunk gangster boris yeltsin as president who left putin as acting president when he resigned.

pc principal doesn’t blindly extol the values of pc though, the show clearly has sympathy for his perspective and portrays him as a sincere and genuine person. the show could’ve gone the easy route and just ended the joke at “what if sjws are actually fratty bullies?” but they did the hard work of having empathy for

pc principal is hilarious, you’re just a fuddy duddy. the tonal absurdity of the character is what makes it *a joke*