st anger snare

isn’t clancy stuff gung ho bootlicker patriot porn though? if there is one song that doesn’t mesh well with that it’s this one.

doing it at someone is kinda aggressive though

he fucked around on his wife
not really the same thing, at all

idk i wasted a bunch of time explaining the bare bones basics of structural inequality in america and how that relates to violent crime to you, the kind of shit high school students have no trouble grasping and it seems to be giving you a lot of trouble. you’re clearly one of those people who only thinks about this

that is definitely possible and they may write it into the show but i figured they slowed down on the drooling and belching because recording belches for every line was murder on roiland’s esophageal tract

i don’t know, but it really feels like we’ve exhausted the rest of our facial hair possibilities. i certainly can’t grow one, my mustache has a light split down the middle. judging by his stubble adam levine can certainly grow a fine toothbrush.

lol classic “america love it or leave it!” it’s ok dude everybody was 12 once, you’ll encounter a history book someday

there’s a reason they call it buttfeed

it depends on who you are and where you live. this is not that complicated of a concept. i’m troubled by your inability to grasp extremely basic freshman-level socioeconomic realities. it’s come to my attention i’m talking to a fucking idiot. check back with me if you ever crack a book.

yeah i always thought that was a dumb sentiment until it was revealed to me elon musk watches it with his hand down his pants and now i like rick and morty at least 15% less

it didn’t go well because he’s an awkward billionaire creep and ripoff artist of trumpian proportions who genuinely believes he’s capable of unraveling the very fabric of reality. he’s the kind of rarefied narcissist idiot who has a bad commute and comes up with the brilliant idea of subway tunnels for cars. he

i saw an adorable old man on the bus the other day with a toothbrush stache, my first thought was chaplin instead of hitler. i think it’s time for them to be reborn as a moderately socially acceptable soul patch for your nose. others may disagree and i respect that.

schumacher’s love of beefy grown man butt is too well documented for such speculation imo

you’re right, publishing someone’s sex tape without their consent actually is extremely woke and excellent.

we’ve already done the feelgood incremental regulations and they did exactly nothing to save lives, though. the AWB was in place for like a decade and did nothing but alienate gun owners.

usually this “my gut feelings have provided the obvious common-sense answer to a complex problem” thing is what happens when people aren’t educated on the topic they’re discussing. yes if we magic’d all the guns to nonexistence there would be no more shootings. that’s not much of an insight.

lol there’s no actual content to your posts, you’re just being a sassy little child. i’m sorry you have such strong feelings on a topic you know fuck all about, that must be difficult for you.

are you really too dumb to understand the link between violence and poverty? are you 12? literally the only reason you’re comparing america to “the vast majority of developed nations” is because they’re full of white people, that’s where the resemblance ends. we are not a developed country. we’re the richest country

the central issue with the “australian method” is that it’s a forcible buyback program which is easy(er) to enforce on a population where gun owners are the extreme minority. “sell us your guns at a fraction of market value or go to jail” is going to end with a lot of dead rednecks and atf agents in america. it’s also

yes that’s why the homicide rate in the dallas suburbs far exceeds that of north englewood, chicago. it’s just the guns. it’s not lead in the drinking water, the school to prison pipeline, economic despair, a complex tapestry of socioeconomic stratification that destroys lives. it’s just guns. duh. thanks for fixing