st anger snare

creepy finance psychopath jim himes supports nebulous gun restrictions and massive corporate tax cuts, shocking stuff.

just say “we should ban all guns.” that’s a legitimate viewpoint that i happen to disagree with, but it’s a lot more honest and worthwhile than “we should ban some guns/some gun mods/add some minor hoops to ownership.” on some level you understand the scope of a total gun ban and it’s sheer impossibility so the

most gun violence stems from economic and state oppression so it makes sense that a former goldman sachs employee and rich as fuck right wing white dude jim himes wants to make a name for himself pimping worthless incremental gun control legislation for cred with white liberals while people slaughter each other by the

thanks impotently aggrieved dude who miraculously transforms into an expert on criminal justice and a screeching, virulent asshole whenever there’s a highly publicized shooting of lots of affluent white people! you rock!

did he actually have automatic weapons or was he using a bump fire mod? don’t want to google it.

mexico has far, far tighter gun control than, say, germany or australia and their homicide rate makes america look like denmark. we don’t resemble a developed nation, we more closely resemble mexico when it comes to economic stratification and crippling poverty.

people got the overall point that you have a negative emotional reaction to private gun ownership. i never said “if everyone had guns there’d be less violent crime” or anything like that. why would you accuse me of missing your point when you’re deliberately lying to yourself about what i said? does that make you feel

talk show hosts wield as much power as the nra is not actually a thing i said. being dumb on purpose is a weird way to sass me, i dont approve.

what seems to be your boggle friend?

please use less ridiculous and inappropriate imagery to make your points and maybe people would understand them. the bougie white liberal talking point that no one would ever need a weapon to defend themselves from violent crime is the utmost disgusting display of privilege with a shitty side of victim blaming.

please don’t disparage fuck shows

so you just watched a series of late night talk show hosts lay out a series of identical talking points citing the same statistics and policy prescriptions and your conclusion was that gun control advocates don’t speak with one voice?

which measure are you talking about that is supported by 90% of everyone?

it’s not so much that gop reps are in the nra’s pockets (they are), it’s that people fucking love guns and will turn on any rep that doesn’t protect and expand their right to one them.

there is literally not a mass shooting every day unless you count 12 year olds shooting people with pellet guns and every other instance of more than three people getting injured by firearms as a “mass shooting.” that’s a shitty, dishonest metric. you are perfectly welcome to examine the methodology they use to come

please don’t compare the chances of being a victim of a violent crime in america to the chances of being mauled by a tiger. or compare inanimate objects to animate creatures with their own agency.

you’re not gonna get a lot of love for this post on the av club but yeah. they don’t give a shit that most victims of both violent crime and gun crime enforcement are minority groups entangled in the drug war>prison pipeline.

don’t you authoritarian weirdos have to at least get a criminal justice education? the violence perpetrated by civilians with assault rifles is a tiny fraction of the violence committed by law enforcement. ban yourself imo

they already banned assault rifles, it didn’t affect homicide rates in the slightest. then they unbanned assault rifles, and it didn’t affect homicide rates in the slightest.

sean, no one is listening to steven seagal. the premise of this admittedly delightful snarkpiece is foundationally bunk.