st anger snare

lol you’re talking about megyn “pepper spray is a food product, essentially” kelly. she built her own box, she gets to fuck in it.

“but the only time he seemed to be working with the party after that was to promote pro-life candidates.”

oh aye agreed, and reading your comments further you’re 100% right about that sansa scene. i thought you were saying that first thing. the quest for ultimate social consciousness gets really tiresome on here sometimes. i have no idea what point i was trying to make with that post except i was really drunk and upset

also, westworld aside because it’s garbage, GOT is based on a series of books that deliberately subvert the idea of middle ages chivalry as benevolent towards women. the rapey verisimilitude, in the books at least, is thematically relevant. and anyway ASOIAF has some of the best female characters in fantasy period so

ugh now i really want to read a fantasy novel about an exquisitely woke socially conscious middle ages with elves and dragons and genderqueer kobolds with highly evolved consent culture

the majority of the country wants single payer. that’s not the issue. hypothetically, put it up for a national referendum and it passes overnight. even if you got a democratic supermajority ~80% of democrat national reps are in the pocket of the insurance and pharmaceutical industries. even “no shit” legislation like

Obama’s DOJ created a separate justice system for the finance criminals that destroyed hundreds of billions in middle class wealth and gave them billions in public funds and limitless get out of jail free cards. Obama accepting hundreds of thousands for 45 minutes of work is a reward he’s receiving from his friends

good god you’re quite the obnoxious, ignorant asshole

there’s a whole hell of a lot of people who don’t qualify for medicaid and can’t afford $400/m for shitty insurance, they’re called the working poor. making 25k in taxable income doesn’t magically allow you to pay 10k for a broken arm. half the workforce are contingent laborers that don’t qualify for employer

lol that sounds a whole lot like pro wrestling

because the standard of writing in comics was so high to begin with

it wasn’t, it was said to jesse eisenberg playing a character named mark zuckerberg in a completely made up account of the rise of facebook written by, ugh, aaron sorkin of all people.

go get em tiger!

did you read the comments though? that’s fishy as hell

fat ppl make for powerful singers due to their massive diaphragms. un can probably belt like etta james

nope yep you’re right. it was like 2 am and i forgot that i had to specifically block the autoplaying ads element on here. right click > block element.

you... legitimately want this guy to die?? get help please.

they’ve been doing this exact same horseshit for years under the unblinking eye of univision, the format is just more obnoxious. the commenter hasn’t had any influence on content since this shit was still printed on paper.

noting that top KKK people have sickrad names like GRAND CYCLOPS is some hacky open mic night shit but mildly amusing enough and harmless imo.