st anger snare

rap rock fans aren’t really cut out for a career that requires a reasonably deft touch with the written word, leaving them sadly underrepresented in music criticism.

sure but maybe the meth injections are what prompted him to install nuclear missiles pointed at russia in turkey to begin with. kind of a chicken/egg scenario.

alex is the premiere cyberpunk/alt history writer of our generation. say what you will about his politics and so forth but there’s no denying the man is endlessly inventive and entertaining, well deserving of coverage on a pop culture-focused gizmodo vertical powered by kinja.

eternal sunshine is objectively great and you’re missing out terribly by not watching it as soon as possible. it’s a charlie kaufman movie for fuck’s sake.

she didn’t really handle it like a pro. he gave this same interview to several people and the reason this particular clip went viral is because she was kind of a dick about it, being all appalled instead of rolling with it like the actual pros did.

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yes. jim carrey is perfectly capable of being obtuse and new agey to man, woman, child, beast or fowl.

how is the splinter so good when every other gizmodo vertical is such complete garbage? keep up the good work pls

uhm buddy i never said anything about anybody but stanhope. the real crime here is you confusing a joke for a confession of sexual assault so you can deflect heat from your boy louis, who may or may not be guilty of what he’s accused of who the fuck knows

one thing i always wondered about the midwest is how are they so unreconstructed when they were never reconstructed in the first place???

my fantasy is that eminem steps up. he’s pretty socially conscious, is vastly more famous than kid rock, was raised working class by a single mother in michigan, and would fucking eviscerate kid rock in a battle rap/debate.

studies show that half of republicans and 30% of democrats are malignant racists. that’s where hillary got her “basket of deplorables” numbers from. republicans are the party of white identity but both parties are firmly white supremacist in action and ideology, playing good cop/bad cop with an exploited and oppressed

i respect your uh unique viewpoint on this issue

i dont know if you’ve ever heard stanhope’s standup but that sounds a lot like a joke to me.

south park takes a firm stance on issues all the time. gentrification, homophobia, the way social media changes people’s behavior. they did an episode about how fucked up it is that people fly the confederate flag. they did an episode on angry anti-immigrant people and it wasn’t exactly complimentary. they dedicated a

it’s really, really hard to imagine hillary clinton “demonstrating” popular anger towards the ruling class, for the first time in her entire life.

there’s a reason i’m quoting the greatest american civil rights leader and not a glorified blogger. read mlk’s speeches and essays, you might learn something.

the whole krugman-parroting thing about post-uhc tax hikes is only applicable to certain forms of uhc. that’s why i’m not a huge fan of medicare for all, it’s a bloated system by design that fails to address the inefficiencies that make health care so expensive in the first place. you can go read about it on your own

i can’t tolerate malazan but black company is pretty excellent for the first couple of books. it’s too tonally similar to game of thrones, really bleak and naturalistic. would definitely feel like a ripoff.

i was thinking about this and you’d lose a lot of the stuff that makes it great. really hard to convey stuff like an unreliable narrator with a photographic memory or secret spaceships on screen. it’s also got hella boobs and swords and monsters and laser beams, insane spectacle and action setpieces, memorable

bezos is an evil, creepy lex luther wannabe bastard but i would love to see amazon pour some of their unlimited revenue into another high budget adaptation of a kickass series of books. something like the book of the new sun series, there’s never been anything like that on television.