st anger snare

you really don’t know the difference between democratic socialism and revolutionary communism? and you want to compare a glorified blogger like coates to actual civil rights activists? what’s wrong with you? are you 12? you realize that every other civilized country on the planet has universal health coverage AND

this isn’t really up for debate, there’s no question that the engine of racial oppression is primarily economic. read some goddamn mlk sometime, he wasn’t some limp dick milquetoast power-flattering chump like coates. name a top-down antidiscrimination policy and i’ll support it 100%, it doesn’t mean shit without

i was extremely specific about what you’re lying about. you were lying about bernie not explaining how single payer health care systems work. you tried to backpedal by specifying “during the election” but that’s not true, either. you were lying about bernie not speaking to crowds of trump supporters, it’s kinda been

yeah but i haven’t lied to the av club commentariat kinjaverse gizmodo vertical, 10cities. you’re a bizarrely dishonest and proudly ignorant person.

actually, yeah, lots of trump voters are lining up to hear bernie speak on health care. it’s a thing you could look up. do you need a verrit code, or are you capable of googling?

you’re a vicious idiot and liar and i’m currently taking a shit that has more compassion and political acumen than you. please go fuck yourself and stop injecting the av club kinjaverse with your aggressively ignorant bullshit. thanks!

yes, every president is a war criminal.

i’ll thank you in advance for not trying to whitewash and silence the voices of bernie’s POC supporters in the future. please stop being a perfect caricature of obliviously racist low-info white liberals. thanks!

some people aren’t stupid enough to buy into the cult of personality around politicians and can separate their legislative actions from their personal lives and public relations efforts.

isn’t kinja supposed to put a stop to this poopypants name calling little kid bullshit? grow up, go do something about your engorged bitterness. take a walk around the block, have a wank. have some fucking dignity you twitchy little weirdo.

your candidate lost a layup election to a racist cartoon character on top of having no coherent vision for a better future and no major policy prescriptions for fixing the massive and urgent humanitarian crises plaguing this country. please stop projecting this bitter bullshit on people with the balls to actually

you’ve demonstrated over and over again you don’t understand politics or policy in the slightest, please stop projecting your own insecurities and inadequacies on the people who don’t have your problems. thanks!

pretending like neoliberal isn’t an actual word with an actual applicable definition is just aggressive, willful ignorance. you’re having an argument on the internet not just because you’re bitter and angry but because of a real ideological divide between you and leftists who care enough about these to issues to

bernie did not campaign on stopping the endless war, he was committed to perpetuating obama’s bombing campaign. i give the guy credit for having the balls to attack american capital but he wussed out when it came to criticizing the american empire. that’s actual centrism, y’all. not the aggressively right wing policy

lol you could actually look up the funding mechanisms of his bills and educate yourself on how single payer systems function. i’m sure on some deep and dark level of your psyche you understand the fact that nations with single payer systems pay a fraction of the money americans spend on health care. it’s not that

it’s kinda odd how cosca is just criticizing hillary the candidate and you’re making it weirdly personal calling him a sexist bootlicker. maybe knock that shit off and find something better to do with your life than tirelessly defending a right wing war criminal on the internet? thanks

she’s not really that accomplished for all her job titles though. people say “oh, she was a senator” and then never follow that up with all the great legislation she sponsored because she was a middling and disappointing rep. they say, “oh she was the head of the state department” and then crickets because she was

doubly, nay, triply so when they go on a big pissypants sour grapes book tour

democrat senators are out pimping for trump’s tax cuts. not being a democrat is the best thing about bernie.

you quoted the guy and said he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. please stop gaslighting me.