st anger snare

it should be noted that bill maher has one of the top 10 most punchable faces on the planet and is aggressively and sadistically smarmy and unfunny.

alex’s actual rants and antics are 1000x funnier than this. doing a tamer imitation of a thing isn’t humor. even friedberg and seltzer know that, which is why they had the sparta guy kick shaved head britney into the pit.

idk it seems more like justin got owned by the babbling lady??

show a little respect for the guy who took “being a rapping clown” and turned it into a multi million dollar international industry. he’s not stupid, talking like he dropped out in 9th grade is his image.

lol obama’s not a saint, he created a separate legal system for the superrich to protect them from the consequences of committing the greatest financial crimes in american history and illegally slaughtered sunni muslims by the tens of thousands. he deported more immigrants than any other president in history and

this is a totally reasonable and intelligent way to behave, you seem like an extremely cool person with really well-considered political opinions. please #persist, it’s awesome.

indeed i am thoroughly disturbed. if you’re not thoroughly disturbed by our representatives and administrators on both sides of the aisle you’re either a cynical sociopath or deeply ignorant. there really is no middle ground there.

people who don’t get the hate for hillary just aren’t familiar with her legislative and administrative record and have no interest in informing themselves. it’s not that complicated. she’s advocated, voted for and implemented a lot of cruel right wing policy. the time to familiarize yourself with hillary’s record was

seems legit, but The Word fizzling out seems to be a problem on jesse’s end.

you know what would be an interesting article, the onion av club, is drawing a direct line between bill clinton’s media deregulation and the av club becoming another generic gizmodo vertical. ultimately the clintons are responsible for this kinja situation.

i love how the only positives she can come up with from her husband’s administration are “broad prosperity” and a balanced budget. it wasn’t so broad for the families destroyed by Bill gutting welfare or expanding the incarceration state. the media and financial institutions that profited from deregulation and

pls don’t neglect “pepper spray is a food product, essentially” in your next megyn kelly piece tia

dan’s been the target of enough controversy, pointless or otherwise, to not want to needlessly catch shit for someone else’s words i’m guessing.

the conspiracy of of unregulated global markets and perpetual war are far more dangerous than the mealy-mouthed “pandering to anti-vaxxers” jill stein is accused of.

this is the same attitude that gave us trump in the first place, though. castro and franken aren’t creepy finance psychopaths like booker, they’re not directly responsible for preventing americans from receiving life saving medication. they didn’t receive more pharma and wall st money during their last congressional

mattis is a batshit iran hawk so i’m not really optimistic about his guidance. it’s hard to say how ambitious trump is militarily, his obamaesque afghanistan troop surge is particularly uninspired. we’ll certainly get regime change in venezuala during this term, they’re setting the stage for a coup now. real

“jezebel readers” ICE FUCKING COLD

we’re already in like a half dozen hot wars, a slow paced economic war with china and a new cold war with russia and bankrolling a genocide in yemen. we’ve got stupid wars out the ass already.

it’s cuz everybody is a little gay. we can’t all be blessed with a little color :(

ben carson/omarosa 2020 baby!!!