st anger snare

you’re talking about the guy who cried on tv about obama being too mean to the finance industry. lol. the guy is radioactive after his vote on importing pharmaceuticals and he’s got negative charisma. the smart move is to primary booker, not promote him.

speaking as a grumpy socialist franken actually has a relatively excellent record.

hillary’s ideas are crap, that’s why her senate record runs from uninspiring to depressing and her tenure as secretary of state is so replete with human rights atrocities. there’s a reason hillary didn’t run on her record or her ideas.

whoever you run is going up against an illiterate, nazi-complimenting, pussy-grabbing, shit-spewing clownfart. try to run somebody that isn’t some shark-eyed psychopath finance gangster with a horrific human rights record on foreign policy this time.

remember when dozens of democrats voted to approve trump’s pro-torture CIA director and voted against an amendment that would’ve allowed people to import life saving drugs from canada at a fraction of the cost this year? i don’t know what your definition of soul selling is but “killing thousands of people by limiting

third way democrats are literally republican lite, that’s the entire point.

you’re, uh, completely wrong. i don’t know how old you are, if you remember the ‘08 election but obama ran as an economic populist on a dove platform. there’s a guy who knew how to play leftists like a fiddle.

demsoc isn’t anywhere near hard left. this is why democrats lose, you’re living in a fake republican reality where living wages and a robust safety net are scary “hard left.” you’re acting like you’re embarrassed to outright support policies that have created the best standards of living the world has ever seen.

the democrats haven’t attempted a left turn in about 40 years.

first of all only ~15% of eligible voters voted for trump, and second of all goldwater girl hillary was in the pocket of the incarceration industry and is the walking talking personification of white liberal racism. you really owe it to yourself to learn the records of the candidates you support and how to identify

it’s impossible for me to take this stuff personally because i know you’re just venting but i’ve got a pretty broad and deep knowledge of economics and history as it relates to black oppression and a decent handle of how the white power structures that profit from black suffering could be dismantled.

you guys are sassy as hell and literally can’t even, i get that. what i don’t get is how that translates into dismantling the commodification of black suffering. i don’t get how any of this glib condescension or pop culture analysis relates to dismantling the carceral state or transferring white wealth to black

martin’s talked a little bit about this. he understands hollywood badassery. not only does he write a pretty mean screenplay, one of the themes of the books is that glory and horror are both a part of war. he provides many moments of violent catharsis for his favorite characters.

they could take a few passes at the script so the fan service doesn’t feel so wanky and contrived. nobody would say cleganebowl is fan service if it felt like it happened organically instead of the hound cutting a wrestling promo into the camera.

i tried to recommend your funny post and your other recommends disappeared :( i hope that’s just on my end. and that they eventually ungrey me and i’m not still shouting my iconoclastic television analysis into an infinite and uncaring void.

it’s not about game changes or surprises, dave. the entire reason people have followed and supported the show is because of their affection of and fascination with the characters and the strength of the plotting. the production is incidental.

we must always take into account that d&d’s only real writing credit before game of thrones was the wolverine movie where deadpool didn’t have a mouth

it’s the whole “just world” thing where anything bad that happens to somebody you don’t personally know is automatically their own fault because it’s too terrifying for people to consider that the world is a cruel and unjust place.

yeah im no car expert but im pretty sure manuals are faster than automatics since you can shift more efficiently or whatever. usually when committing a transmission metaphor ppl tend to go for the “fifth gear” ref since afaik it’s equally applicable.