
Thank you. I remember reading To Kill a Mockingbird in high school (in the South), and my teacher fangirled so hard for Atticus Finch. He’s a white guy in Alabama during Jim Crow. Are people really surprised he’s racist? My reading of the text led me to the conclusion that even when a lawyer puts aside his bias and

I teach Mockingbird. I am black and southern. I never thought an Atticus Finch would have had me over for dinner. Yet, I’ve had white students identify with this character and want to believe so badly that they too would be the heroic, bucking the system, society-be-damned progressive during that era. No one wants to

Right??? I do not understand the rabid defense of the mother in the situation because every single article from the local press has mentioned that the children’s advocates are not siding with the mother and have raised some very, very serious concerns about the children’s mental well-being.

No, most Libertarians are against forcing anyone to engage in any commercial transaction they don’t want to engage in. The Fair Housing Act says that you can’t refuse to rent or sell to someone based on race. Do some Google searches for “Libertarian” and “Fair Housing Act”. You’ll be hard-pressed to find a Libertarian

As a black female who lived in an upper middle class neighborhood for a good portion of her childhood, this doesn’t surprise me. Not one bit. I distinctly my family and I shopping around for a bigger home and my dad and my mom were visibly upset by the process. I asked them why. I asked about the homes we viewed and I

I don’t understand why people are getting upset by this conversation. It’s a basic truth that lighter skinned black women and girls are more readily chosen because of their closer proximity to white beauty standards. I think having a dark skinned black girl would have made all the difference. Representation is really

I don’t understand this reasoning where we pretend that every celebrity has somehow earned their position regardless of their looks. Most of these people are recruited for their looks; they were born on third base. The most famous pop artists in the world: Beyoncé, Taylor Swift, Madonna, Rihanna, Mariah Carey are very

I see what you mean. It kind of feels quota’ish. I feel like Teen Vogue is saying, “Ok, here’s our cover with three black women. Happy now? You better be because the next 50 covers will feature white models as per usual.”

Nice, but um, is it the lighting, the airbrushing or are these young women the nearly same shade? I want to see Black faces & they come in a range of colors and features yo.

I wish they hadn’t put all three “new faces” on one cover. It’s a lovely photo, but each model having her own turn, throughout the year, would be more of a commitment to diversity.

I can’t believe he literally opened with “I don’t see color”. Like, that’s super that race doesn’t matter to you, Jerry, I bet it matters a lot to the man whose mother went to jail for being in a relationship with his father, though!

I gave up trying to watch this at 2:15. Seinfeld is the most boring person on the planet. Also, love his “color-blind” note in the beginning, “Trevor Noah has a rich background of many cultures, colors, and languages. But none of that matters. To me he is just a funny guy.” Racism is over, everybody! I mean, race

Did the blue steak guy look like this?

That goal from mid-field was INSANE to watch live. My Dad and I were like wait....what is the can....GOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAL!!!!!!

I can totally relate to that - I had a tendency in my 20’s to just *vanish* (under my duvet, for weeks at a time) and I had one good friend who figured it out, saw the pattern and gave me a solid talking to about it.

There are other ways for cops to deal with the disturbed, if they really wanted to.

For anyone here who says vaccines are dangerous - the method used to produce vaccines has been studied for over 200, close to 300 years. Cars have been around for less. Microwave ovens have been around for less. VACCINES HAVE BEEN AROUND LONGER THAN HANDWASHING AS A MEDICAL PRACTICE.

Now playing

Reference to one of my favorite films. “I Heart Hukabees”

My mother, who was fiercely intelligent, spent nearly a decade of her life in a religious cult, something that affected her until the day she died. The thing that broke her to the point that she was receptive to my father, who led said cult? Her husband having an affair with and then abandoning her for her best

Two things can be true: