
I really like this (thank you - it’s very comforting), but I especially like you posted it today, as it is my birthday. And yes I had the awkward phone chat from him. The only good thing about my parents eventually passing on will be we don’t have to pretend anymore, and we don’t have to try anymore, and then we don’t

This is sideways to the topic, but does anyone have ideas about dealing with a toxic sibling?

“In my dad’s day, women stayed home and the men worked. Now, both men and women work in the same area as men do, so it’s hard for us to be men.”

Though Destin isn’t as bad as PCB yet, we’re getting there, so I feel your pain, cousin! Had to remove a used condom from my parents’ front yard 2 weeks ago - I burned the shovel and soaked my eyes in bleach for an hour... then there was the time last year when my dog got into human poop under a tree right by the main

While I’ve been appalled and disgusted throughout reading this whole thread, someone’s post just triggered a true, physical manifestation that I felt as an electric shock through my arms and legs, a cold clench in my stomach, and a dizzying feeling of dread.

Although you already noticed this yourself, a fascinating thing to do is mute a video like this, because true feelings come screaming out in facial expressions and body language once you can ignore what’s being said.

First time slow-dancing with my 7th grade biggest crush [he likes me TOO?!?!!!eeeeeeeee!] at one of our “Teen Center” Friday dances, and knowing I should go as I’m a bit late for my curfew but not wanting him to think I was a baby for having a curfew and never wanting to stop touching his sweet scrumptious person . .

I’m a college librarian and I often feel that way about 18-25 (ok, up to 30) year olds.

What to Do if You Feel Too Bloated for Sex, But You’re Still Horny

As are older male colleagues who don’t come straight at you but rather passive-aggressively snipe because they think you’re too delicate and/or “that’s not how you treat a lady”. I’m no lady, I’m a librarian!

I was complaining how hard it is to park properly in my folks’ wonky driveway and my aunt’s new husband did the “hurrdurr women drivers” thing. I straight-facedly replied that MUST be true since in Saudi Arabia, where (legally) only men drive, there are no accidents or traffic infractions ever at all at any time

My parents, both teachers, adopted my bro in '69 and me in '71 and had to go through the wringer both times - I've seen the "Our Life Story" booklet they made (sooo precious!) detailing their whole history to prove their worthiness.

Anyone who wishes to take a Master class in euphemisms or to learn Expert-level dissembling, read that Facebook page. It's creepy and heartbreaking *shudder/cry*

Not to be too hippie about it, but I try to understand that he's just a very scared older man who feels out of control in the world. It humanizes him a bit (which is important to me to try to do with people who are so different). . . but that doesn't work all the time so I also just kinda hate him, too, at the same

My co-worker with some serious health issues is a big fan of Dr. Mercola (who has appeared on Dr. Oz apparently), a total quack and snake-oil salesman.

Of course, the same colleague* thinks vaccines cause autism, Catholics aren't REAL Christians, gay men are all pedophiles, evolution and climate change are hoaxes, the

That the main criteria for his sexual pleasure are his partner has to be a combination of trusting/naive/innocent/starstruck, then powerless, unwilling, and incapacitated - that is horrifyingly, chillingly predatory, and the only slightly "good" thing about it is he is famous so that he couldn't escalate into a


Wow, that's really sad, I had no idea how tough it is. Thanks for taking the time to explain it - I'm pretty ignorant myself when it comes to religious things. I can see why you'd want to protect your religious and cultural traditions and how frustrating it must be trying to maintain them in a society with a totally

Well, now you're just being unreasonable! You wouldn't see someone simply because they have condescending, rude views of people in your religion? Dating snob.