
Short man in heels. Werk.

This whole things reminds of a story I read. It is about a writer reading her fan mail. She gets to a certain envelope and she starts to read it. Inside is a confession of a man who describes his life as living inside a chair he built. The chair is inside a hotel. The man tells what it feels like to have women and men

How do you mean, “she never murdered anyone?” Do you mean that she acted without the specific intent to kill? Because that’s different than not-murder. Her conduct, at the very least, constitutes depraved heart murder, which is to say it was an action taken with depraved indifference to human life. That’s enough to

There’s a legal precedent for this in Texas; in 2006, a confessed serial killer named Coral Eugene Watts was convicted of additional murders

Hold on a second. I have a few questions here.

If she’s responsible for many other murders for which she has yet to be convicted, then no she has not.

No, she has not.

They had no other economic means?!!! Well why didn’t they just say so. I’ll stop pursuing higher education and go slap the chains back on right now. I speak for all brown people in saying we didn’t know, and are really sorry for the whole Civil Rights thing. We did not mean to mess up their money.

Every state was racist back then. Slavery only played a small part in the south’s secession.

I have a kid the same age as these students, and I am also a teacher. I wouldn’t do a project like this because it would be a pain in the ass, but if my son’s teacher had a project like this I would think he was pretty lucky. The last thing I’d do would be one of those parents that go in and complain because Snowflake

Well it teaches them care of a pet, food sources, majority voting and debate. Biology when they dissect it and cooking. so all in all not pretty good for one fish.

It sounds like the kids are having a spirited debate. They are clarifying their personal values. They are engaged in critical thinking.

I think it’s a pretty good exercise for kids and forming an opinion, expression and debate. However, I am very sad for Pablo. Neither of his options are good.

I’m not a conservative. I am a liberal who’s wifes family suffered for decades under communist rule. And it’s not just Stalin. North Korea, China, you are going to tell me they have the same human rights records as the U.S. or Canada or the UK over the last hundred years? You don’t have to be a republican to look at

i like how gun shot wounds are the new paper cuts. folks just riding boats and lifting up women and shit with them.

Now playing

That’s weird. Because I always thought the Beastie Boys were known to let suits

Rachel, sweetheart: you’re self-absorbed, you’re in love with the sound of your own voice, you steal things from black people and claim them as your own, and you tell black people what to think. I’d say QUITE A FEW things about being white describe who you are PERFECTLY. Shit, you sued Howard for reverse racism, which

I don’t know. I’m a white guy helping to raise a Rosemary plant. Are you saying I’m not half-delicious?

Yah bc the employees stuck doing the cleanup are totally the ones setting the ticket prices, well done, you