
It would if semiskilled labor didn’t expect to make the same as a Doctor, if you include the cost of all the benefits they demand. It’s why all the new plants in America are in the non union south, their benefit demands aren’t worth twice their salary. 

I mean, the ones that study something useful or get a useful degree I have no issue with, like engineers and educators for example. I just don’t like the forced shift that has its roots in the GI Bill that resulted in a 4 year college being considered a necessity to not be considered some form of trash.  

This kind of thinking is what makes me hate the products of higher education. People will go to college, probably go for a degree that has no real world value, make very little, and then bitch about the guys who went out there and did something that has tangible results and they can take pride in. Like seriously, when


Y’all leave me and my big blocks alone

It’s a catfish camaro. You could take two zeroes off the asking price and I’d still only buy it for a motor swap. 

How sadistic do these 26 people have to be to vote NP on this? This is like Florida Man being arrested in Walmart with a mobile meth lab in his pants grade crack pipe.

Fairly certain that someone would be breaking the Geneva Accords if this were to find a new, Fit owner willing to Pilot it around the track. Either way, it would be an Oddessy for me to go out there and gain some Insight into whether I should buy it. 

Imma be disappointed if this isn’t COTD

Socialism elsewhere please

I couldn’t hit NP fast enough, but that may be because I probably belong on a short bus

I wanted to nice price this, but I can’t. A car that old with those miles sat for a long while, so it tends to accumulate weird issues related to age rather than miles. Sorting those out could probably get you a used car 10 years newer with 100k in the clock that I would trust more. Reluctant CP

Buy a Chevrolet Tracker and use the remaining $14K to LS swap it and drink away the misery you’ll feel having bought it

I’d want to make that journey in a Lincoln Town Car. I’d probably need multiple transmissions, rear ends, and timing chains on the journey from probably 180k to 1000000 miles, but that motor would be able to do it, plus I’d be comfortable and happy for the whole time

I completely agree. If I wasn’t in college I’d have ordered one

Add in the fact that safety standards are MUCH higher

Don’t forget the Ford 155 cube flathead

A motor isn’t big until it meets the following requirements:

David, quit fucking around with the DJ. Get the J10 running and take that, it’s more deserving anyways

I do it