
Get something old, like a Chevelle sedan, and drop it in

Because it’s a beautiful sound

This thing is COTD

I haven’t looked at any Buick newer than the LaCrosse Super


It’s a Buick. All of them will be purchased by retirees, and then sold in 3-5 years with low mileage and low price because nobody wants to spend High dough on a Buick. Which is when I will buy all of them and have fun. Perhaps a supercharged 3.6L

NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! I love the 3.6L V6.

Not in rural Leon County

Nah, you forgetting the I8

Are you forgetting about the Packard Twin Six?

The Packard has an upright grille, while the other cars all have similar looks. Difference is mostly size

Packard. For explaination, “Ask the man who owns one”

Lust leads to Rust in Italy. This here is awesome, and deserves COTD

It was

Pretty much any grandma car or Toyota. Grandma cars tend to be more interesting as they have lots of untapped potential (ask a man who owns one)

4 Banger Beamer? Hell to the no, CP at any price

Love the trade.

I got a 1966 Thunderbird that was “ran when parked” six years before I bought it for $3000. In the last 14 months, I have been able to drive it for 3 months. Lost the radiator 1 month into driving season, leaky carb the entire time, leaking fuel take 1 month into driving, window Motors never work, AC line broke mid

NP all day. Perfect for building a funky bog rig.

My Buick never warms up when it’s cold. I need to replace the thermostat, ‘’tis stuck open.