
Nope, it sucked. Even the extended ending was still bad.

It did ambiguity badly. It also shoehorned in a revelation and debate “AI and biologicals can’t co-exist” that you could literally disprove if you’d done the previous missions correctly. And it tossed aside any real consideration of the thoughts or decisions

I mean all the models I’ve seen suggested for NFTs in gaming just can’t feasibly exist. That what they’re peddling doesn’t work has never really seemed to be a barrier for these people. They’ll slam their heads against those walls as if they weren’t there and then wonder why nothing has changed except for the fact

This is exactly right. These kind of games need fun people, creative people, and lots of people, which are exactly what you exclude when you put any significant price tag on it, especially as those people will usually want to bring friends, because they actually have friends, unlike most tech types. $150 would be

Dude, one of the reasons I take my iPad to work is to use gamepass on my break. What the hell are you talking about?! 

While I agree on the exclusives thing. Game Pass is anything but silly. 

It’s just like how Netflix ditched DVDs for streaming and haven’t been heard from since.

Game Pass is a silly subscription service? This is a phenomenally stupid take.

Agree on practically every point. If Sony gets more aggressive on putting their games on PC that’s likely the route I’d go as well. Though I feel like they’d probably be less inclined to do so if they didn’t have a direct competitor doing the same. Without Xbox hardware they could easily sidle right back into their

I feel the same way about Xbox that you feel about Playstation, but agreed that it’s better for everyone if we don’t have console exclusives. I’m never going to buy another Xbox again anyway, but I honestly wouldn’t have any problems if the games I love on my PS5 went over to Xbox. It benefits consumers to have that

100% with you. I hate exclusives and more access to games is better for everyone.

I feel like it really says a lot about us as people when we are okay with the most violent imagery in games, and we don’t bat an eyelash. But if any sort of romantic or sexual content is in a game, optional at that, a subset of gamers will complain about it.

...publishers are knowingly, intentionally selling access to a game before it’s finished.

his name is David Zazloff.

Let’s not lose perspective, we’re talking about luxury entertainment here. Piracy isn’t your only option, your main option is to just not play the game if you don’t like its price or monetisation. I’m saying this both as a former game developer and as someone who pirated a lot in my past: you’re not entitled to take

As a TF2 player, it’s wild to me that the competitive meta in Overwatch requires the healers to deal damage.

However, if you do upgrade to Windows 10, get ready to upgrade again soon as Microsoft is winding down security support for that OS in October 2025. As someone holding on desperately to Windows 10, I’m counting the days.

Those customer service people aren’t always remotely aware of the relevant laws. I doubt it’s Valve’s official policy to ban people over chargeback, but if one of their employees does it anyway then it’s going to be a lengthy process to get your account restored and at the end Valve is unlikely to do more than issue a

Well, that and how pretty much all of the competition, except Itch and maybe GOG (both of which are less “competitor” and more “different market segment”), is even worse.

Not just deep pockets: Microsoft could buy Sony outright, PlayStation, movie studios, Crackle, all of it, if they wanted. They have free cash for literally half of it already.

But by the time the 2010s rolled around, the 360 was starting to lose its luster, and the widespread hardware failures known as the “Red Ring of Death” were turning a lot of consoles into overpriced paperweights.